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Mew Event: A Lookback.....


Since the Mew topic has gone way over 50 pages, I just thought I could provide a new lookback on our experiences on that fateful September 30th. I'll provide my thoughts after I see if people have warmed up to this topic or not but for now I only have 1 question. Am I the only one who got one Mew? Or not?
I got 3, but there are other people who got one


fly away
*sighs* ... Well, what did I expect? I couldn't travel to North America just to get a Mew... Ill just wait for D/P and Wifii (sp?) and see if someone wants to trade with me.... *sighs*


little punks!
My store didn't have the cartridge sent and we were promised Mews in a few days. Though just to be safe, I traveled to another toys r us and got three good natured ones there without a wait. Sure enough, my store never called me.


it was awesome asked about shiny mew the guy went through all the boxes and all catiges (slipped him a twenty:) took about 2 hours but well worth it


I got a Myuu!

I love it so much!^_^

I went to the one in NC, I had to wait two hours to get one.>_<
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top 8 in Detroit
hi i'm top8inU.S.A.'s lil bro

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
i got a modest one and mine had no line


Eevee Trainer
I waited for about 2-3 hours in line, met a guy with the 4 Pokemon I needed but wouldn't trade them to me- I just wanted the data!- but was nice about it anyway. I got a timid-natured Mew, but I'm happy just to have one. I haven't had a Mew since Red, so having one again is great.


top 8 in Detroit
i wish i got a shiny mew but i know it was impossible


Power of the mind
One of the first at the Toys R' Us I wen't to. One kid had to help this old women who was working the Mew trading thing, got mine after seeing two Mew's. One was timid, the other....I forget.

Got the Timid one and left.

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
I only got one mew.... i wanted to wait in line again but my mom didn't... i wish someone would have given me a shiny... no one in line acted like they wanted to trade or battle...

Ash's Pika Pal

some have to let go
I remember picking up a gentle Mew and the Lucario movie.

This poor boy he tryed to get other people to trade his Mewtwo(on G/S forget which one), while they had GBAs/SP. He didn't get his Mew...I remember he said something about cloneing.

This other girl; I was going to trade my Lugia/Ho-oh for her Celebi/Jirachi/Deoxys,but I'm glad it took some time for her to think it over,because her friend traded her a cheated Ho-oh. Once,I found that out I said forget it. I didn't want my Emerald to be ruined.