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Mew hunters I CALL YOU


Massive pwnage
to give you advice.

This is how I recruited Mew last night, of course you do need his friend area which can be purchased from Wigglytuff.

Bring a friend bow, and at floor 36 when you have the Music Box (orgel) try to find the stairs, going about normal adventures. Watch your dialogue box closely. Move about 20 times on each floor even if you know where the steps are. If Mew is on that floor, it will say in 20 turns "Mew used transform" if you see this kill every pokemon on that floor to find him.

I saw him 4 times, on floor 59, 49, 60, and then I recruited him on floor 81.


fredfredburger yes!
thanks for telling.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't really help you just got really lucky


Well-Known Member
OR instead of moving 20 times, just hold B + A at the same time

and yes you just got lucky


Lopunny's puns pwn.
Well, it's still good advice. =3

Thank you, Comray.


Well-Known Member
I went through one time, and I didnt see her once.

Question: Can you see Mew on a floor, even if she wasnt there when you FIRST got onto the floor? (Like walk around abunch and she would appear randomly)

When I get this question answered again, I will set off for Buired Relic again.


ooo, what's cooking?
any questions?
that rlly doesn't help, because unlike ditto, mew wont always use transform I find that using X-ray specs may hep a bit...but i don kno, hwneI went thru with those it didn't do me any good.


Well-Known Member
Some people have gone through 5 times + and havent seen her... ;-;

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
all you need to do is have the x-ray specs and fight atleast 5 pokes on each floor. and on floors 94-98 stay on each floor until it says "something is stirring". it takes awhile but its worth, try not to panic when you see her. I saw her, pushed "A" and she died, she didn't join me T.T


Moon Prism Power!
You know, i'm glad Mew is actually available in this game. It's kinda fun trying to recruit it besides the fact that you have to go in a 99 floor dungeon with it having a 0.9% catch rate.


Onions? Where??
yeah, I noticed that too when I was playing my red with my pc, yesterday I bought blue for ds and currently My team is called, blizgrieg and team contains lvl 11 charmander and lvl 11 mudkip, currently going to kill the meanies...


ooo, what's cooking?
that info about the 5 pokemon is great to kno. I just gonna pop on my friend bow when i see her, and gonna try to catch her. I alrdy have mewtwo, so that'll be a pair of superpowers.


Well-Known Member
to give you advice.

This is how I recruited Mew last night, of course you do need his friend area which can be purchased from Wigglytuff.

Bring a friend bow, and at floor 36 when you have the Music Box (orgel) try to find the stairs, going about normal adventures. Watch your dialogue box closely. Move about 20 times on each floor even if you know where the steps are. If Mew is on that floor, it will say in 20 turns "Mew used transform" if you see this kill every pokemon on that floor to find him.

I saw him 4 times, on floor 59, 49, 60, and then I recruited him on floor 81.

I went in my second time and got Mew ,in a monster house.
The steps thing is just luck, even though I saw Mew about 5
times my first time;151;


Scyther FTW <3
I found Mew.. once xD The first time I made it past Floor 35 I reached floor 74 (I tihnk) and got stuck in a Monster House with Mew! I beat mew, but i didn't recruit him =( I'm on floor 85 now and still looking for another one. xD

And I agree, Mew won't use Transorm right away if it doesn't have to. =/


ooo, what's cooking?
all you need to do is have the x-ray specs and fight atleast 5 pokes on each floor. and on floors 94-98 stay on each floor until it says "something is stirring". it takes awhile but its worth, try not to panic when you see her. I saw her, pushed "A" and she died, she didn't join me T.T

does that actually work? I couldn't get 5 pokemon in without starving. Maybe i should bring a partner with x-ray specs, and make my leader hold tight belt?
still, why does everyone call mew a she, he totally looks like a he to me...


Well-Known Member
does that actually work? I couldn't get 5 pokemon in without starving. Maybe i should bring a partner with x-ray specs, and make my leader hold tight belt?
still, why does everyone call mew a she, he totally looks like a he to me...

1. Go into the dungeon with Tight Belt on
2. Switch to X-Ray Specs
3. Switch back to Tight Belt

Simple as that.

Nope, Mew is a she. (IMO)
(Most) Everyone wants to call every Pokemon a he, and it really gets on my nerves.