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Mew Stratigies


Well-Known Member
I have been looking over the threads about how to restrict Mew, and I still have a question.
Somewhere someone said that when you get to Floor 90-98, there are only Golem and Mew, and they said to use the Transfer Orb to transfrom the Golem into a Mew.
Does this work?
I am at at Floor 36, and I have about 4 Max Elixthers, 5 Huge Apples, X-Ray Specs, Friend Bow, the Music Box, 2 Reviver Seeds, and about 3 Transfer Orbs.
Me (Blastoise) is Level 74, and Charizard is level 54.
So I have 10+15+0.9= 25.9% chance.

If anyone has ANY tips to restrict her, please post here.
(Especially, if anyone knows to my Transfer Orb quiestion, please post.)


Glitch Hunting Freak
Sadly the transfer orb only changes the pokemon infront of you into another on the map so it's pretty much useless -_-' My advice to you is to just keep looking for him the kill him. Look out for transform in the text box and find monster houses. Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Eh...ok, thanks.
What is the find rate for mew on the last few floors? (It says somewhere on the site that it will have a better chance of finding her on the last few floors.)


Glitch Hunting Freak
I don't know about the find rate but I believe that it is increase because there are only 3 pokemon there, golem, mew, and ? (I think haunter) So only 3 pokemon instead of the usual 4-7 that would increase the amount. In the end it is all luck though...


Well-Known Member
Do you think my level is high enough? (Level 74)
I might as well turn around now (Escape Orb) if I need to level up more.


Kabutops Freak
do you guys know if when you see mew, kill it, and it don't join, is it gone fer good or can you still find and recruit it? That's what happened to me first time in Buried Relic, i was on the 86th floor, and there it was. i killed it with my typhlosion, and it up and died, but no join. So i escape-orbed out of there, came back, and didn't see it period. :(


Kabutops Freak
Oh, thank goodness, but why didn't I see it? I explored EVERY SINGLE FLOOR at least 2 times, and waited for it to use transform, but no luck.

PS. Do you have an Emerald Game? if so, is there any chance that you can clone that shiny charizard and trade when D/P come out?


Well-Known Member
You can see her as many times, even after you defeat her.
The only time you won't see her is when you restrict her.

(Pstt, as I said before, is my level high enough?)

1. It has a low find rate, so just keep looking.
2. Wrong thread.
When I got mew i was on lvl 80 , gold rank and with a friend bow. Gotta buy its friend area first.


Well-Known Member
Your level's fine. You'll find it soon, just be patient, and go through it as normal, it'll pop up somewhere. :)


Well-Known Member
One last question.
Will Mew appear only when you first enter a dungeon, or can you stay there for a while and pop up?


Well-Known Member
Heh, thanks.
I will wait for someone to answer...I am waiting to continue...


Well-Known Member
Yes, I say it could appear over time.

I say this because it can appear in Monster Houses, and we all know how random those things are. It's just luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok...I guess I wll get to the end (that is, if I dont have her by then) and walk around untill I find her...
Thanks for all the help guys!


ooo, what's cooking?
mew is genderless, and u recruit, not restrct, it.
Anyway, in my guide book it says omuniously "there is only 1 mew" under the pokedex entery, but that ain't true apparently...
Edit: I think it meant after u recruit 1, no other Mew's will appear in the dungeon until u release it...
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Kabutops Freak
Arggh, I think he's there once you actually get to the floor, but who knows?
I've been walking around with an X-ray specs and killing all the enemies that are there when I first get to the floor


You're Illegal
Zaknal, do you have mew's friend area?

Anyways, does how many people you have on your team and your body size count?