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mew trouble


Massive pwnage
I am on floor 59 of buired relic, and I was goofing off when I saw on my bottom screen "Mew used Transform" My heart jumped. I screamed. I found the sandshrew he was hiding as. he transformed back to ;151; then dissapered. Can I see him again? Can I recruit him? this is my first time in buired relic. ty


Team In Flames
Yes, you can. Even possibly in the same try. :)


Massive pwnage
Thanks, I am going for the top. can i recruit him? I have his friend area.


Team In Flames
Then yes. :D As long as you have the Music Box with you.


sure you can recruid mew if you defeat it it wil appearce again on a another floor

good luck to recruid her ;-)


It is rare to see Mew twice in Buried Relic but it is possible. Even when you meet the maximum conditions, you only have a 34.9 percent chance of recruiting him/her


~sparkle and shine~
That happened to me once, Mew appeared and I defeated him on level 36... He should be back though. :)


i saw mew when i visit the buried relic 5 times the fifth time she joined me


You are very welcome
I went through buried relic and didn't see him once, with music box in tow. Is this possible, or did I just miss him on a floor?

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
I got Mew on the first try too. It's all luck... if you believe in that sort of thing.
I'm really getting sick of these "_____ Didn't Join My Team! What's Wrong?" threads. There should be a rule against them. Whenever that happens to me I go to the Dungeon Help Thread, and you should too.