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Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a thread about getting mew easily. On the 98th floor of buried relic you use a transform orb (the orb that makes a pokemon change into a different one) since there are only 2 pokemon found on the 98th floor (golem and mew) the golem will have to transform in to a mew :) right?


Well-Known Member
It has been tested out, but it doesn't work. The transform orb will not work on a Golem even if Mew was on that floor.


Well-Known Member
Yea it doesnt work


I tried it out and it doesn't work.
I got so annoyed 99 floors and no recruited mew >_<
I am trying it again soon when I am LV90 and now I have friend bow!^_^


Drifblim landing!
I haven't even seen Mew on Blue Version. And get this: I WENT THROUGH ALL 36-98 FLOORS OF BURIED RELIC WITH THE MUSIC BOX AND MEW DIDN'T SHOW UP! I read every message and checked the message log a lot, I killed every Pokemon on the floor, explored each inch of every floor and didn't encounter Mew! Are there any other requirments than just having the Music Box (Come to think of it on Red I befriended the 3 Regis before attempting Mew)


Well-Known Member
No, there isn't any other requirements. It's just random, and doesn't seem as likely as some people say...I've only seen one, and I go up there ALL THE TIME....Luck bites.


Yukimenoko Rox!!
Are there any other requirments than just having the Music Box (Come to think of it on Red I befriended the 3 Regis before attempting Mew)

Recruiting the Regi's beforehand might help, I dunno.

I just recruited Mew this morning! I was just wandering around with my Lvl. 98 Blaziken and I stepped on floor 50, and Mew was 3 squares away!! I was so happy, then nervous that i wouldn't recruit it. So i flipped open my bag, gave my friend bow to blaziken and I recruited him!! :)

Try getting the Regi's first.
He has a 0.9% of befreinding I would reccomend at least level 50 and a freind bow.
Yeah, while all us are on the topic of Mew, let's just say he's very hard to find. Went through Buried Relic 4 times total (Granted 2 were for missions and I only got to about the 70th floor on those two...) and I saw Mew once. And I loled so hard after I did find it, because it was disguised as a Haunter due to Transform, and my partner killed it, 'cause I thought it really was a Haunter. XD.

~fuzzy out~