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Mewtwo data

XD Mewtwo

This is for 3rd gen mewtwos, I need to know the stats of mewtwos that you have raised.

Lv 100
Mild nature
HP 382
Attack 273
Defense 208
SP. Atk 361
SP. Def 220
Speed 303

Lv 70
Timid nature
HP 228
Attack 152
Defense 152
SP. Atk 242
SP. Def 152
Speed 225

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
This is for 3rd gen mewtwos, I need to know the stats of mewtwos that you have raised.

Lv 100
Mild nature
HP 382
Attack 273
Defense 208
SP. Atk 361
SP. Def 220
Speed 303

Lv 70
Timid nature
HP 228
Attack 152
Defense 152
SP. Atk 242
SP. Def 152
Speed 225

lv 100
Timid nature
hp 374
attack 275
defense 275
sp. atk 385
sp. def 240
speed 310

lv 90
careful nature
hp 276
attack 268
defense 248
sp. atk 283
sp. def 247
speed 273

what do you think??

edit:i don't know my mewtwo's ivs but i did do some ev training....
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i don't lose
EVs and IVs of the Mewtwo would be more helpful IMO then just the stats. EVs at the very least to figure out what the IVs are.

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
I don't know my Mewtwo's IV's but I did some EV' training on it though.

Kyon Kyon/Mewtwo
Serious nature
HP 341
Attack 264
Defense 214
Sp.att 405
Sp.def 203
Speed 314

It's Defense and Sp.Defense suck. >_<


^ Its def and SpDef is still better than mine.

Of course MY MODEST Shiny M2 has 437 for SPA and 344 Speed. 330 HP


Well-Known Member
I think this should've gone in in-game team rate in 3rd gen instead of 3rd generation general stuff

Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp.Att, 252 Speed, 6HP