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Mewtwo is on MY LAST NERVES !!!


Uhhhh.. I cant catch it.. I cant put it to sleep/freeze it/paralyze it.. becuz "it" keeps on using "Safeguard" =[ I caught it in YELLOW.. by freezing it with my Articuno (Ice Beam & Blizzard).. i remember that stradegy..lol. well it aint working =[ HELP ME && where do i get Timer Balls.. Yes i've been to all the Islands. BEAT Team rocket from the "WAREHOUSE" =D
Mewtwo isn't that hard to catch, you just need some patience, but Timer Balls do really help


Zigzagoon luv
It took me a long time too, cause Mewtwo kept fainting all my pokemon over and over again, good think my Sceptile had False Swipe though!


The PokeMaster!
It was the EASIEST legendary is my game, strange...


Fear him!
You think it's hard to catch a normal Mewtwo? It doesn't take me all that long. Keep trying like everyone else is saying. On my third playthrough, I used a team of Pokemon under level 60. I like Mewtwo's actually.


no dont waste the master ball save it for dp for those running ledgends just keep trying have a fast poke effect it then where down adn cathc


Well-Known Member
I used Lapras, The special def really helps,
or use a Sableye, Its immune to swift and Psychic. But its feels a little cheap, imo


Well-Known Member
I used Snorlax, because of the Yawn attack, and then, just used timerballs.


Yellow health and Thunder Wave. It's that simple. Or use your master ball but I would use on it on a legendary dog.


You want to catch Mewtwo?

Take the time to get a Paras. Breed it with a male Pokemon knowing False Swipe so the baby Paras knows False Swipe. Then bring it to level 100 and make sure it knows Spore.

Then Spore and Swipe away...


Well-Known Member
It was the EASIEST legendary is my game, strange...

Same here. I used flamethrowerand it survived with red HP+got burned, then I threw an Ultra ball and cought it. Only one ultra ball, I got so lucky =)


uhmm.. Like Thanks.. BUT.. I already caught it =D lol... I just brought it down with my Leve "49" Venusaur.. using "FRENZY PLANT" & "RAZOR LEAF".. then it went to red.. && I Used ONLY "1" timber ball.. lol.. NO OTHER attempts :) i WAS scared wit Venusaur..cus of "Psychic" .. BUT I caught it.. IM OFF TO GET DAT LEGENDARY DOG !! "Entei" here I come :) I will catch it wit MASTER BALL.. what should i do next?