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Mewtwo-Zapdos combo


alright. my froend may not be the brightest, but this combo of his is too much! (he doesnt use these forums, so I assume he came up w/ it on his own) His mewtwo knows brickbreak, and that eliminates dark pokemon.

please, someone, i need help! i have tried my best, but unless he doesnt dend them out seperatly and i have a lot of luck, i just cant beat him anymore! i need suggestions! I have tried to take out zapdos, it being his obvious weak spot in the team, but his mewtwo always kills me! please!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Use Salamence with Crunch and Rock Slide.
He learns crunch @ lv 61.
Go to the move tutor in rock tunnel and teach him Rock Slide.


I would, but THUNDER! (i have tried b4) thx though

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
What about a Snorlax? It learns Ice Beam,Rock Slide and all kinds of Zapdos-pwning moves. And for Mewtwo, teach him Shadow Ball.


lol..i hadnt thought of that! (and its one of my favorits along w/ munch) thx! i'll try that!

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
By the way, if you really wanna own your friend, get 2 Snorlax 1 adamant and 1 modest and teach shadow ball and rock slide to the adamant one and ice beam and toxic to the modest one. Teach double team to both (unless his Zapdos has rain dance) and your friend will be like: NOOOOO!!! My super (seemingly) invencible team just got pwned!!!! NOOOO!!!!


lol! i was going to say that he would just brickbreak its butt, but two could do it! how do i do double team, should i just breed it?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
By TM. If you have Emerald clone the TM. If you don't, teach it to the adamant one.


i could just breed it....

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member


Here comes da boom!
Get another Mewtwo like this and kill him
Calm Mind
Ice Beam


This should go in the in-game RMT section imo.

LOL @ Special Snorlax. I say to use Curselax and Dusclops please.

Careful Nature
Trait: Thick Fat
-Shadow Ball

Careful Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Pain Split
-Shadow Ball/Confuse Ray
-Seismic Toss

Essentially, Curse up with Snorlax and Burn Mewtwo to eliminate the threat of Brick Break. Pain Split/Rest off any damage that you take, and then proceed to Confuse and Burn everything you haven't already. Once you Curse a few times, Shadow Ball Mewtwo and Return/Seismic Toss Zapdos. The battle should be over fairly quickly.
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The only Special Move Snorlax should use is Fire Blast.

You could try something like Endure Heracross@ Salac and Seldestructlax.

You need to watch carefully if you are using Curselax against a Brick Break Metwo. A sensible opponent would just take out your Snorlaxen first.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned that Blissey (particularly one with Counter) can just come in and be like 'Lol ok'

Metagross is good if Mewtwo lacks fire. With Rock Slide of course.

My favourite would have to be the Snorlax/Dusclops combination above.