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Mewtwo's Nature

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
Well I just caught an Adamant Mewtwo with:

HP: 232
Att: 185
Def: 152
Sp.Att: 201
Sp.Def: 147
Speed: 187

Are these good stats for an Adamant Mewtwo? Or should I press my luck with trying to get a Modest Mewtwo.


so adorable...
if i was you i would go for modest

-recover/calm mind
-ice beam
Modest is the most prefered nature, if your lucky, you'll get a Modest Mewtwo with perfect Sp.Att IVs(like mine)
You could still always turn that Mewtwo into a decent physical sweeper

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I know this is the wrong forum section but what would be a good movset for my Adamant Mewtwo.

Offtopic: aren't you a member at the MRM forums?
Adamant nature
Shadow Ball
Rock Slide/Recover
Ice Beam

This might work, IMO

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
You could surprise a few people into sending out a Blissey, then smashing it with Brick Break =D
I would use the Bulk Up set, use Bulk Up until Attack and Defense are maxed, use Recover to well, recover the lost HP and then sweep away!
I think my Mewtwo had about 270 Special Attack when I got it o_O It IS a Modest nature and it's Special Attack is outstanding, nearly flawless.


Toon link
get a modest mewtwo with this
mewtwo @leftovers
modest nature
-ice beam
-Calm mind

or you can put thunderbolt in there and take away recover or calm mind


Good Eye Sniper
Yeah there is a double combo with him and Smergle. Blow up with Mewtwo and Endure with Smergle the send in a guy with Fake Out, the rest is Endeavering, Spore, and a move your Fake out guy knows.


Fear him!
I like Mewtwo's, but you could use this moveset:

Brick Break
Shadow Ball