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Microsoft sued over the Xbox 360


Well-Known Member

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Chicago man who bought Microsoft Corp.'s new Xbox 360 has sued the world's largest software maker, saying the new video game console has a design flaw that causes it to overheat and freeze up.

The proposed class action claims that in Microsoft's bid to gain share in the $25 billion global video game market, the company was so intent on releasing the Xbox 360 before competing next-generation machines from Sony Corp. and Nintendo Co Ltd. that it sold a "defectively designed" product.

Robert Byers, who brought the suit, said the power supply and central processing unit in the Xbox 360 overheat, affecting heat-sensitive chips and causing the console to lock up.

Microsoft spokeswoman Molly O'Donnell on Monday said the company does not comment on pending litigation.

Complaints about the problem surfaced quickly on gaming enthusiast Web sites after the Xbox 360 debuted on November 22.

Console owners reported that some systems had crashed during regular use as well as during online game play using the Xbox Live service. Problems included screens going black and the appearance of a variety of error messages.

At the time O'Donnell told Reuters: "We have received a few isolated reports of consoles not working as expected."

She declined to say how many reports Microsoft had received and said that calls reporting the issue to the company represented a "very, very small fraction" of units sold.

The lawsuit, filed on Friday in federal court in Illinois, seeks unspecified damages and litigation-related expenses, as well as the replacement or recall of Xbox 360 game consoles.

I had this weird feeling they'll get sued over the Xbox 360 for something, I just didn't expect this to happen so fast. Oh noes Microsoft is doom :O


The case isn't going to go anywhere. There seems to be a few issues with for some people of the console crashing, but most people seem to have no problems, and a lot of people are playing online all the time.

Plus Microsoft will repair the console free of charge and send it back within 3-5 days, they even pay for the shipping. I don't think you can sue over this.


Old Coot
I think, if anything, the dude's just trying to make his money back and then some just like everyone else in the world when something goes wrong with them. :s

Poke Freak

Shadowfax said:
The case isn't going to go anywhere. There seems to be a few issues with for some people of the console crashing, but most people seem to have no problems, and a lot of people are playing online all the time.

Plus Microsoft will repair the console free of charge and send it back within 3-5 days, they even pay for the shipping. I don't think you can sue over this.

Someone once sued McDonalds because thier coffee was hot. AND WON. Someone once broke into someone's house, slipped on something sharp, sued the person's house that he was trying to steal from. AND WON. I'm not saying this person will win, I'm just saying there's a chance.

Personally I think this is just stupid, yes Microsoft should have done better with the X-Box 360s, but this person should just get his repaired like everyone else that has a broken one. It's not like the system caused a fire or mass destruction or anything.


Poke Freak said:
Someone once sued McDonalds because thier coffee was hot. AND WON. Someone once broke into someone's house, slipped on something sharp, sued the person's house that he was trying to steal from. AND WON. I'm not saying this person will win, I'm just saying there's a chance.

Personally I think this is just stupid, yes Microsoft should have done better with the X-Box 360s, but this person should just get his repaired like everyone else that has a broken one. It's not like the system caused a fire or mass destruction or anything.

If the unit is overheating, there could possibly be a fire issue. All it would take is some dust build up and the overheating to catch the dust on fire. It's unlikely that would happen, but you never know. Dunno what extent this issue is, but I have a few friends that have had problems with the units. Got a few other friends that bought a few extra 360's to sell them too. Hopefully they can unload them before the price comes down. They kept the receipts, so they aren't trying to scam anyone. Well, unless you count getting extra money for the units anyways. I didn't buy one of them. Never got the X-Box in the 1st place. I was considering it, but seeing as there is a lot of problems, I think I will wait to let them get everything fixed.


Dynamo Trainer
Shadowfax said:
The case isn't going to go anywhere. There seems to be a few issues with for some people of the console crashing, but most people seem to have no problems, and a lot of people are playing online all the time.

Plus Microsoft will repair the console free of charge and send it back within 3-5 days, they even pay for the shipping. I don't think you can sue over this.

Figures you be the respond when it says "Microsoft in trouble."

Yes I don't think it go anywhere and makes me want to get mad at Sony. Sony's PS2 was far worse than this, yet there weren't any attempts to get sued for that except for the dual shock thing which microsoft also copyed. Yeah, copying the popular ones will get you anywhere....


Super Gamer
Small-fraction my ***. Everyone I know who got one is experiencing problems with the system. Microsoft deserves it - the money they are losing over it is just choke-change to them - that company is worth Billions of dollars.



kingboo30 said:
Figures you be the respond when it says "Microsoft in trouble."

Yes I don't think it go anywhere and makes me want to get mad at Sony. Sony's PS2 was far worse than this, yet there weren't any attempts to get sued for that except for the dual shock thing which microsoft also copyed. Yeah, copying the popular ones will get you anywhere....

Actually, Sony were sued numerous times by many people for purposefully making faulty units.

And yes, of course I'm the one to defend Microsoft when people post false information, because everyone else will instantly hate on them, because it's "cool" to hate Microsoft. I own all the current systems, including the 360. How many other people here can truthfull say that, and say they have a fair judgement on all the systems? Yeah, I defend the Xbox more than anything else, but once again, that's because so many people post crap about them. If there was somebody doing the same thing about Nintendo, you can bet I'd be defending them. But suprisingly, that doesn't happen too often here.

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That's fair enough, but the problem is so many people randomly hate on it, for no reason, or at least reasons that aren't true. This whole thing for example. Very few units are actually faulty, and the ones that are will be repaired for free. It's not the massive problem people make it out to be.


Dynamo Trainer
Shadowfax said:
That's fair enough, but the problem is so many people randomly hate on it, for no reason, or at least reasons that aren't true. This whole thing for example. Very few units are actually faulty, and the ones that are will be repaired for free. It's not the massive problem people make it out to be.

The People who usually hate on it are people are people who despise very popular and just whine at everything. For example go to GameFAQs(Anti microsoft for sure....) and check the poll of the day with people saying "TEH BOX 360 SUX!!111!11!1!1!1 OMG WTF LOL ITS SO DMN BUGY IT EXPLODES ON MA!!1!1!1! LOL WTF?!11!!1! LOL"

Yet PS2 wasn't exactly the bug free itself and the only people are realize this are the ones on the near small 360 hardware board. Having Rare with Microsoft is more than enough. I usually defend Nintendo and not really like Sony and I have the right to say that since I owned both of their systems. I can say that PS2 froze on me alot. ..... ..... .... PS1 didn't seem buggy to me. I never seen a single person on the internet on a random board that supports Xbox except for you. At least they're trying their best trying to have all xbox games playable on 360. I also find it rare in public to find a smart Xbox fanboy and I assume this is why most people pick on it.


Well-Known Member
Shadowfax said:
And yes, of course I'm the one to defend Microsoft when people post false information, because everyone else will instantly hate on them, because it's "cool" to hate Microsoft.

See, that is what you call a fanboy, a bunch of people who love one system and call all other crap, their nothing but ignorant idiots. Unfortunately, I find this forum to be riddled with a bunch of Nintendo fanboys who show such intense hate for anyother system, it's kind of scary, so it should be no suprised to you that you'll see alot of idiotic Xbox bashing here.

Too be on-topic, even if this lawsuit does win, it won't be too damaging for microsoft, I mean it is one of the richest companies in the world. However, this along with a shortage of Xbox 360 and some thinking they'll successed in Japan (it won't, not with it's launch and reputation) it will be a hit on microsoft when it comes to their xbox 360.


Think Different
Shadowfax said:
And yes, of course I'm the one to defend Microsoft when people post false information, because everyone else will instantly hate on them, because it's "cool" to hate Microsoft.
No one hates Microsoft, 85% of the people you talk to are using one of their crappy OS's... So I fail to see how they can start bashing Microsoft.

However if you use an Apple or Linux you can hate Microsoft all you want, stupid Bill f**king Gates:p


Well-Known Member
Haven't had problems with ours either (knock on wood) Have had trouble getting on the live site though as their server keeps saying it's overloaded. :p
I don't use the OS though. Too many viruses written for it.

The Battousai

The reason there is so many nintendo fanboys on this site is becuase it's a pokemon site. Even the mods and admins are nintendo fanboys.

And yes, of course I'm the one to defend Microsoft when people post false information, because everyone else will instantly hate on them, because it's "cool" to hate Microsoft.

I respect this Shadowfax. It's not easy liking playstation or xbox consoles on serebii because tons of people on this site bash any other console or handheld without nintendo in the title. I like playstation consoles (which hardly any one on this site likes, well except latios and I) because they really deliver in the rpg and fighting genres (my favorite genres). Shadowfax probably likes xbox consoles because of their awesome online service and some really good killer apps (halo, KOTOR, Jade empire, Ninja Gaiden, PGR etc.). I think the playstation and xbox consoles will be around much longer than nintendo's consoles eventhough the majority of this site disagrees because they appeal to casuals and hardcores and have alot more selection in the games they offer. And as much as I want play Zelda on revolution this wacky controller scheme will most likely fail and probably won't appeal to casuals. Revolution also has very low graphical campabilities ( I can post links if you want) compared to PS3 and 360 making it hard to reel in casuals. I think only the nintendo faithful (the majority of this site) will purchase one along with budget gamers and parents buying the console for their children. Nintendo is also getting some tough competition in the handheld area (the area they made most of their cash from and dominated for more than 10 years) from Sony's PSP which is selling like hotcakes during this Christmas shopping season.

I know I'm gonna get flamed for this by the many nintendo fanboys on this site. Well the best way too attack a Charizard would be water attacks like surf I suppose, hydro pump has bad accuracy.
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Shiny Charizard said:
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this by the many nintendo fanboys on this site. Well the best way too attack a Charizard would be water attacks like surf I suppose, hydro pump has bad accuracy.
LMAO, seriously. Rock Slide owns Charizard.

Getting back on topic like I damn well should be, I doubt that this case will change anything at all. His system was defective and he noticed that other complaints were popping up, so he immediately got peeved and went for the suit. In truth, he could have just sent it back in for a replacement.


Let's rock!
Why would people want to sue a gaming/electrical/technology company? It's like saying that someone is majorly ****** about not getting a certain thing on a game that is not there and sue them.

I would just ask for a replacement, not make a big deal out of it.

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Didn't the original XBox have a simular power cord problem a year or so ago? That went over fine.

Very few units are actually faulty
Proof? I'm not attmepting to assult the 360, but it seems like your saying this just to get people off of... the console's equivelent to a back. I doubt you've talked to every 360 owner, and just because Microsoft said it doesn't make it so.