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Midnight - Sign up


be creative
Edit: It would be good if you read all my comments in this thread. I develope this RPG as more questions arise, and I mostly post them when I accept or decline sign ups. XD

Loosely based on my fic that I've started called Midnight. The prologue is the start that I have posted here, but the plot is different. :D

I clenched my fingers, pushing my nails deeper into the palm of my hand. Anything, anything to make it stop; I have suffered too long. I stood there, breathing heavily, arms wrapped tightly around my chest for warmth, waiting for It too appear. I’d fight it this time; I’d show it that it couldn’t rule my life. I shivered; the air had suddenly gotten colder. I braced myself. It was here.

With a sudden energy my nails started to grow, the blunt ends pushing against my palms to force my hands apart. I gritted my teeth and strained against it, releasing one hand to push the nails of the other down. I wouldn’t let it win. With a stab, the familiar pain began in my left shoulder, a teeth aching agony that sent me to my knees. I fought to get on my feet, but my joints cracked, sending me tumbling back down onto the cold cellar floor. With another bout of agony that made me feel as if my skin was on fire, fur rippled up my back, silky black but wiry to the touch. There wasn’t much time left. I gave up on my hands; gasping, I looked around the floor for the knife I’d left, hidden underneath a chequered table cloth. Seeing it about a foot away from me I gathered up my remaining strength and lunged, my suddenly sharp claws screeching across the stone, slowing me. It knew what I was doing, and it wasn’t going to let me succeed. With a cry I fell, a sudden, gnawing pain digging at my temples causing me to writhe on the floor, inches away from my goal.

“No, not this time! No more! I won’t let you do this! It is over!” A hoarse voice, my own, broke through the quiet of the underground, accompanied by a snarl of rage. With the last of my strength, born from desperate anger, I grabbed the knife, bringing it swinging towards my left arm. If I could just do this, forget the pain, fight my cowardice, I’d be free. The pain in my head increased, but I carried on, sobbing as my swing gained momentum, blade angling-.


There was a strangled scream, a clatter as the knife dropped to the floor.

Everything went black.


Blackness. Complete blackness. No light could penetrate this dark.

Black as midnight...

Two golden eyes glowed in the darkness, searching, peering through it, looking for something or someone. Its gaze alighted on what it was looking for and it laughed. It had found me.

I shrunk away from its gaze; backing up until I hit what I guessed was a wall, if there were such things as walls in this place. The eyes came closer, drawing level with mine a couple of feet away. There was a flash; I saw a muzzle, black lips drawn back to reveal yellow teeth in a snarl. I shrunk back even more. It laughed at my fear, the image fading into black.

Foolish, Katie, foolish. You know better.

I gritted my teeth, hating myself for failing, and tried to stop shaking. That was my last hope, the last of my will power. I slumped. I couldn't do it. I'd never be free. I took several deep breaths. If only I was stronger; If only I had the courage... But there was nothing I could do now. Nothing, but obey. I rubbed my face in my arms and looked at it. The eyes were at an angle, as if its head was cocked listening. It laughed.

You're at the end of the line. You knew it was hopeless, yet you tried anyway? Why? Why waste the energy?

Teeth flashed as it yawned lazily.

You knew it wouldn’t work, you know this is what is meant to be. You’re the vessel. You were born to house me.

Its last word/thought was accompanied by a low growl. I spat at it, my anger rising. It dodged, shaking its head.

“I was not born into anything, you lying cheating beast! Let me be, release me! I will never stop fighting you!”

Its laugh that had started at the beginning of my outburst quietened down at my last words. A rush of anger emanated from it as it stood to tower over me; lights flashing I hid my eyes as it bore down on me, jaws agape. There was a long, low growl, like thunder in a storm at sea, that rose into an ear splitting roar. I tried desperately to clutch at my ears, to stop the pain and block it out, but my limbs were frozen in place. After a minute it died down, and the beast sat again with a sigh.

Why won’t you accept it? You were born into this role; I smelt it on you the first time we met. You have the blood. You should consider it an honour.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but the eyes began to fade.

Everything will become clear soon, Katie. On the night of your birth. Don't forget...

Its voice faded on its last words, leaving me alone in the silence and the dark. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.


1. No bunnying
2. No attacking other members through posts
3. No chat speak
4. Obey Serebii rules
5. No Godmodding
6. Be sensible
7. Have fun. XD


Around this world, different people of different ages have been bitten. Katie is just one of the few. Over the next few months, they start having black outs, experiencing extreme pain and start to see the changes (of turning into what they were bitten) happening, as they each get taken over by their beasts. When the changes are complete, the beasts mind (which was transferred in the bite) has control. You can role play the beast. Each has been taken over for a reason; the reason will be revealed as the RP moves on. Your character is one of the few.

Where you start

Your character has been experiencing the changes and pain at night for a while now, and has started seeing glimpses of the beast that has taken them over. They can’t stop the changes, can't resist, and any attempt at self-harm is not taken lightly by the beast. They don’t know what the creature is doing inside them; they are only just becoming aware of it. Katie is the most developed of the lot, and I will be playing her.

Edit: You can now have a new type of character, one who has seen the people transform into the beasts, but don't transform into beasts themselves. They can be goverment agents, random bystanders, whatever. There will be a maximum of five slots for them. :)


Each character is from a different land/country, which each has a different beast. A maximum of two for each country I think will be enough. This world is technologically advanced, including the islands. The land is made up of one big continent, called Edeko, and a few islands off of it called Hepa (home of the bear), Mestei, and Castas. They cluster together to the west of the main land, and are riddled with rivers, lakes and floodplains. The people who live there travel around in canoes; they work together with nature, and try to protect it. They use water power to get their power, and use electricity wisely. When tourists from the mainland visit they must obey their laws; if they break them, they are warned, fined, then kicked out of the country.

As this world is the second one to have existed (finds over the years have indicated there was a previous land, that, when they reached the height of their civiliation, died because of a sudden event that has since been determined as a heat wave) there was no oil, gas, or other hydrocarbons left for them to use, so they never learned about it, and found a different way to create energy. Solar power.

The mainland is made up of five countries: Rio, Mana, Tewa, Fhan, and Tego. Rio is waste desert land, dry, and parched in the center of the continent, where the solar panels power provide most of the energy of the five countries. The people who live there have been made rich off of the solar power buisness, so live in luxury despite the conditions. The beasts of the desert, the Jackals, live there. Mana and Tewa lie on either side Rio, and are made up of grass plains miles wide. The people in these are made up of mostly breeders, who breed and guard the animals, which they later kill and sell, but it also contains farmers, who struggle to make a living from the tough soil. They are the home of Hyena. You can choose to be in either country. Fhan is to the south of the continent, and is made up of mountains. The people that live are technologically advanced, and work with developing technology. This land is the home of the Cougar. The last country, Tego, is the home of the wolf. It is made up of forests. The people there make a living off of forestry, which is slowly but steadily eliminating the forests.

Your characters must fit into the country where they will live, so keep that in mind when writing your sign up.

Your character will not know what happens when they transform at first, but as the roleplay goes on they will be able to see what is happening, then when they become one with the creature (which happens after a while, I'll tell you when they will start becoming one) they think with the creature and understand it, and also get some input., They communicate through thoughts, though the creature can choose whether to let the person hear the thoughts, whilst the person has no choice. The creature can take over whenever it wants as well, though mostly does it at night. I'll give you your plots to follow when the roleplay starts.

RP Slots

Good sign ups will be accepted, ones where thought and effort has been put in. If you try your best, you will most likely be accepted.

Jackal – Beast of the desert

1. Leon - Hyoga
2. Max Murillo - Short Haired Sephiroth

Cougar – Beast of the mountains

1. Reika Mayfield - /Exiled/
2. Kisara Takahashi - Mimori Kiryu

Wolf – Beast of the forest

1. Katie – Me
2. Lucifer Leonheart - Knightblazer

Hyena – Beast of the plains

1. Sabriel - Katiekitten

Bear – Beast of the Island

1. Cassidy McAllister - Charmed Band-o

Those who have seen, but do not transform

1. Keith Ryan - Rane

Sign Up



Age (Older than 15 is good. No 10 year olds running around as a werewolf please. XD):


Personality (Detailed, please):

Description (Again detailed, not just what you wear):

History (Where you met the beast, and a little of your history since being bitten, as well as your life history. XD Can be a summary.):

Other (any other features):


Name (Not to be revealed until later though):

Age (again not to be revealed until the character acknowledges the beast. And 5+, they have to be mature):


Beast type (you get to choose what type of creature your beast is; wolf; jackal; cougar; a creature from the area you choose to be from):

Description (What does the beast look like; Your beasts cannot have extra features that the specie of animal didn't have; by writing description, I meant as in markings, fur color, eye color act. Spikes are ok, same with horns, but no wings. And don't make them huge. They can be a little bigger than maybe the normal specie, but I would prefer if they are the normal size):

Other (any other features):

The Others - Ones who have seen sign up


Age (Older than 15 is good. No 10 year olds running around as a werewolf please. XD):



Where you live (which country):

Personality (Detailed, please):

Description (Again detailed, not just what you wear):

History (Where you saw the beast/person, and a little of your history since, as well as your life history. XD Can be a summary.):

Other (any other features):

Post away. I won't bite. XD And I don't mind you posting saying you will enter. Actually, I WANT you to post saying you'll enter. XD

Oh, and-

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Name:marc sanchez



Personality (Detailed, please):kind sweet but si easliy triked so sometimes does the wrong thig and veary sesitive he does not like to fight acepet to defend others and when the beast takes comtrol of him. he thinks that there is always a peaceful solution and everybody coudl get along if they tried.

Description (Again detailed, not just what you wear):has aqua green hair that has silver strands and satys up like sasuke from naruto. his eyes are liek a sphire color and are as bright as one. his skin is as white as the moon. He wears a shirt that has the earth on it and has the peace sign in blue

History (Where you met the beast, and a little of your history since being bitten):i met the beast on the way back to my house through the forest and i saw it looked inocet at first but then when i kneeled down it bit me on the neck it took a while to get it off my neck and when i did i told my parnts and tehy brought me to teh doctor after words is attred to feel craveings for raw meat and i had terrible pains and I could not sleep intill it was almost sunrise. i strugled night and day because dogs kept attacking me.

Other (any other features):n/a


Name (Not to be revealed until later though):just know as blackback

Age (again not to be revealed until the character acknowledges the beast):unknow

Personality:wild loves fights and could easily amnipulate people to doing its bidding it also loves to do praks and thinks all other animals are inferior to him he is a lone wolf that palys by his own rules.

Beast type (you get to choose what type of creature your beast is; wolf; jackal; cougar; a creature from the area you choose to be from):wolf

Description (What does the beast look like): a wahite wolf with big black beaty eyes and a thin long black strip of fur on its back its teeth are as sharp asa knife and its claws are a filthy black color

Other (any other features):n/a
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be creative
I'm sorry, but not accepted. It is riddled with typos and spelling errors. The history could do with being more detailed, as well as maybe the description. D;

Edit: Adding age restrictions and more detail into what your character's situation is, as I've had some questions. :)
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^^I'm with stupid^^

Name: Kalad

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality (Detailed, please):

Description (Again detailed, not just what you wear):

History (Where you met the beast, and a little of your history since being bitten):

Other (any other features):


Name (Not to be revealed until later though): Lythin

Age (again not to be revealed until the character acknowledges the beast):5


Beast type: Bear

Description (What does the beast look like):

Other (any other features):

I promise to update this later but - unfortunately - coursework comes first :(


The Compromise
Ej... *threatens to throttle* XD

I is writing up the sign up for a hyena. I have a really nice idea...

Edit: Ejji? Where's your sign up?

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be creative
Del: Take your time. :3 *hugs*

KK: =o Why threaten to kill me? D;

I'm going to open up a thread in the RPG cafe for questions. As I have seen you have a lot of. *pokes del* XD


I don't need a sign up. :x I'm going to be posting as a guide to you all, and posting when specific things happen, as well as giving you missions. I will use Katie as a guide as well, and also when I'm bored and want to roleplay. :3
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black cat, black cat
Hey, I was staring at this for a while and finally deciding to sign-up. And you said post if you want to enter... So yeah... I'll be doing a Cougar.

*flits away to do her sign-up*


EDIT: I changed my mind. I'll be doing a Hyena.
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I think i'll sign up as a girl character this time ^_^

Name: Reika Mayfield (Prenounced Ray-Kah)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: She is very quiet and secluded in life. Mosly she likes to sit back and look out her window. But underneath the quiet sadness, lays a very funny and itellectual person. Like she used to be before it happened... But now it takes alot to brind out her happier side. She enjoys laying in her room reading books while listening to classical music because it soothes her and makes her feel more at ease with herself. Even though she is trying to live with her own problem, she often trys to brighten other people up and make them feel better. Because she believes that other people shouldnt have to suffer like her.

Description: She is about 5'5 inches tall with pale skin. Her hair is a light brown color, and it falls around the back of her head to about a little below shoulder length. It is usually just combed straight and flopped around her shoulders, because she dosent care about her hair style. Though her hair is cut neatly and looks good. She has a small elfin face with glistening emerald eyes. Light freckles dot her nose area. She wears a short sleeved faded green shirt with a low collar. Over that, she wears a tight brown leather jacket zipped up to chest level. Around her neck, is a silver cross necklace with an emerald gem at the top of it. It was given to her by her grandpa as a good luck charm. She wears every day ordinary blue jeans with brown belt. On her feet she wears brown leather boots.

History: She grew up with her family in Fhan. As a small child, she had alot of friends and a good life. She had a loving mom and dad, she went to school. She had her good days, her bad days... And her only worries in the world were whether to wear the blue or the green skirt. But that didnt last to long... At age 8, her dad invented some great machines and opened his own company. At first the riches that poored in seemed to be a good thing. But soon it started to become increasingly obvious that this wasnt a good thing. All her parents started to worry about was money. Soon even her friends grew jealous and left her. It was then she started to get secluded. At age 16, she decided to sneak out of studies with a tutor at noon, to go rock climibing. She was taught how to rock climb by her grandpa. (Actually, she was only really happy every other weekend when she went to visit him. He wasnt tainted by riches...) It was easy to sneak out since all she had to do is slip a sleeping pill in her tutors drink. (there her pills, because often her mind is much to restless to sleep at night) While rock climbing and hikinng around the mountains she heard an odd noise and saw a bunch of rocks falling. She tried to run but everything blacked out. When she awoke, she felt fine except for a bump on her head. But as she looked at her neck she saw what looked like bite marks. And she was away from the fallen rocks. Did something carry her? When she got home, she got yelled at alot before going to her room. The months that followed, she started geting bad nightmares and depressions. Though she has tried to learn to live with it, she is increasingly aware that its getting harder and harder to resist. Though her parents cant cope with her odd behavior, so the pretty much dont interact with her anymore.

Other: she carries a concealed Kriss dagger in her belt. Sometimes she fears she'll need to use it. Maybe on herself....



Beast sign up,

Beast name to be revealed later: Sun Shadow

Age, must be matured: 6

Personality: In beat form, she is very very curious. She will stalk about observing anything that is slightly interesting to her. Though she isnt really that violent, she is still a predator, and needs meat. But aslong as she isnt hungry, she will just run around the mountains and city hiding in the shadows observing quietly. She is very intelligent and enjoys trying to find out how something works.

Beast Type:

Beast Description:
A magnificent cougar with blazing emerald eyes. She is petite but muscular, with bright shades of tan and golden fur. Much like that of a normal Cougar but much more prenounced. The angry snarling face of a normal cougar is replaced with a much more calm and intuitive face.

Other: The cross necklace is still around her neck in cougar form
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be creative
Lit: XD Great. :)

Exiled: Accepted, though in the history, the changes take a couple of months, not years and she can't resist. I'm also not sure about the sleeping pill part. XD But very nice. :)


ok, sorry, i'll change the months part, and I forgot to explain the sleeping pill part, because I had to take a shower while typing that and forgot. Thanks for pointing that out ^_^

Edit: changes made :p
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The Compromise
XD Thanks for the reservation! Even if it is only a half. XD

I is going to post my signup here as I work on it, if that's alright...

Enter... The insane Hyena. >=D

Sign Up


Name: Sabriel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Although she is timid, her outwards frail appearance does not match what lays on the inside. She is a very strong willed person, although she rarely shows it, and barely knows it herself, anymore. She smothers it, keeping to herself mostly, delving into the realm of books wherever possible and submerging herself in other people's dreams and journeys as she feels that she is too weak to do such a thing herself. She is constantly putting herself down, and is practically unable to believe that she has done anything right. A huge contrast to who she used to be, before the... incident. Before she could do anything, she was popular, confident, and had no objection to projecting her views. It was partly because of her over confidence that had led her into the Plains that night... That horrible, horrible night.

The night everything changed.

She is now but a shadow of what she once was, a wraith wandering on paths unchanged throughout the course of her life.


Description: At five foot three, she isn't the tallest person in the world, but then agian, she's not the smallest. A wave of short russet curls tumbles down to her neck, the once carefully controlled hairs now gone awry, fighting against the clip she uses to hold them back. Her features are nothing out of the ordinary, her nose slightly pushed up and her face dotted with freckles. Her brown eyes glow dimly past long eyelashes, the odd fleck of gold lighting up the iris. She rarely goes out with friends anymore, so consequently she rarely dresses up and prefers to don a pair of weathered jeans and skirts and a variety of dark colored shirts. She usually wears a pair of grey sneakers, a hole wearing into one of the soles. Her nail bitten hands show the stress she copes with everyday, how much pain the blackouts cause her.

History: She was born in Mena, in a small farm at the edge of the plains. Her father, predictably, is a wheat farmer, who married her mother at the age of sixteen, as was custom. The marriage was arranged, and, as was all to common, it didn't turn out well, and after a painful divorce her mother moved to the nearby city of Gladyies, where, heavily pregnant, she took a job at a cashiers desk and had Sabriel soon after. Because of her past, she raised her daughter to be strong and confident, taking her daughter with her to work and saving up to send her to the best schools she could. She recieved a series of premotions, finally ending up as store manager and a powerful woman. Sabriel was sent to the prestigious high school Feather Blays, positioned on the edge of the Feather plains, from which it recieved its name. It was at this school that, disobeying her mother, she ventured out into the plains one night.

She returned the next morning covered in blood.

Her mother was called, as were the paramedics, and upon closer inspection was found to be covered in bite marks, the open wounds matching the bite pattern of a hyena. This incident puzzled the doctors and scientists, for Hyena's were scavengers, and would not attack such a healthy young girl. Sabriels silence was also a curious factor, and they worked with her for days, coaxing and cajoling, trying to find out what happened. After a week of nothing, they struck gold. Sabriel finally broke and recounted the events, once, and with no extra detail. She began to speak again, and her mothers and doctors sighed, relieved. Her scars healed, her bones mended, and she was sent back to school, deemed completely healthy.

But something inside her was gone.

Other: ...Nada. Zilch. =P



Name: Sagroth

Age: 7

Personality: Insane, but not the nice insane. The scary insane. He enjoys being in pain, an odd obsession that is the key to bringing him out. Selfish to the core, he will do all he can to satisfy his own needs. He is cold and calculating and emulates the legendary sphinx, endeavouring to become like her. As a result he talks in riddles, as best as he can.

Beast type: Hyena

Description: A regular hyena. =D

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Memories in the Rain
Name: Lucifer Leonheart

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Carefree is what could be used to describe this boy. Graced with a keen eye, Lucifer views the world with an easy eye, always preferring to relax instead of leaping straight into action. Happy-go-lucky, the boy always gets into more scrapes than he can imagine due to his rather annoying habit of shooting his mouth off at times, and even more with his sarcastic comments. He also usually gets him into bickers with any hot-headed person, and those bickering usually turn rather noisy, making them the much-unneeded center of attention. The boy also loves to pull pranks at times, so one must keep a wary eye on him. However, when one delves deeper, then they can see the mask he wears to hide the pain and sorrow of his past, as well the pain of being one of the Bitten.

Description: Lucifer has bright, unruly and very messy flaming red hair, pale skin, bright red eyes (with a scar slashing downwards on his right one), and although looks rather lanky, thin and tall er than the average fifteen year old, has a strong build, all muscle and whipcord sinew; shown by the measly unbuttoned shirt he wears. The shirt has rolled up sleeves that are a dark maroon in color and has a ruffled collar. He wears a pair of black jeans made from a leathery-cloth-like material, which is flexible yet shine distinctly when under light. For footwear, he ops for a pair of jet-black sandals with blood-red stripes. Lucifer dons a pair of fingerless black gloves and also has a golden charm with a gold-carved ‘L’ on it slung around his neck.

History: Born in a time where peace still reigned and happiness was abound, Lucifer had lived a not-so-pleasant life from day one of his life. Found abandoned at the doorsteps of an orphanage, the boy grew up in a very rough environment compared to the merry life outside the walls of cold prison and torture that was the orphanage. Taunted and teased by the other orphans due to his eccentric looks, Lucifer was soon devoured of every positive feeling he had. Turning to the life of a loner, the boy soon exchanged his warm heart for one of stone and lived, only to see the day where he would get out of that hellhole.

However, at the age of twelve, a few days before the day where he would be thrown out of the place or sent into a factory or elsewhere for slavery… a fire broke out in the place. The orphanage was burnt down, and no one lived through the incident. However, Lucifer was ‘saved’ when he became one of the Bitten. Surprised that he was alive, the boy then had to slowly adjust to his new lifestyle. From there he became a traveler, constantly exploring the world in his travels. Later the boy also started stealing all in the name for his daily bread. But then he stole an item of great value from a well-known group of mercenaries called the ‘Wild Geese’. After a few misadventures, the boy joined the team and worked there for the next two years until they were wiped out one day during a mission. Alone once again, the boy trudged himself lifelessly along the following month, past many lands and dangers before finally fainting back at his original home. The villagers took pity on the boy, and so took him into the village, where Lucifer has recided there since. Lately, he's been receiving the nightmares whenever he sleeps, and now has switched to a more noctornal shift, sleeping through the day instead of the night. He's also having rather violent outbursts at times, which startles the villagers as well. Due to that, Lucifer's not interacting much with them anymore.

Other: Besides having a hobby of watching the stars and clouds through the trees, Lucifer is multi lingual and can speak many languages, including French, Japanese and German to boot. XP

Name: Lucied

Age: 7

Personality: Lucied is a beserker, insane, egomatic at times and has a passion of killing and bloodshed, and never hesitates to slay those in his way. This darker side of the two has a rather twisted sense of logic, and believes that like how Yin and Yang, Light and Shadow, Good and Evil exists, he believes that Pain and Pleasure falls within those lines too, as there is no pleasure without pain, and no pain without pleasure. Following this logic, the berserker finds pleasure upon the kills he does, and pain within the wounds he suffer. A trickster, Lucied has a love for taunting his foes to rile them up, and strangely classfies people into humans, monsters and dogs. He believes that only a monster like him can be killed by a human, and lives to see the day when one does. He also states that no dogs would ever be able to kill him, and he'd be damned if he does die from a lackey.

Beast type: Wolf

Description: Lucied's a huge black wolf the size of an adult male tiger. Seven blood-tipped spikes are seen bursting out from the back of his head, and the wolf actually has three sets of teeth, which usually makes the wolf’s grin rather unnerving. His claws - big, shiny and ivory white – are retractable and so are usually hidden until Lucied decides to unleash them, which turns out to be quite usual. His tail is tufted and also tipped blood red at the end. His paws are very lean and muscular, giving the wolf a very unnerving and terrifying look altogether, which says almost all about the wolf.

Other: Lucied tens to speak/swear in German at times, seeing as he has something towards them. XP

Well, hope its accepcted.... *twiddles thumbs*

Knightblazer ;262;
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Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I guess since I can't reserve...I'll just say that I plan on working on a signup. And my beast will be a Cougar. <3

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
Name: Leon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Leon is cruel, and doesn't like company. He is mentally unstable, but getting better. Leon is unusually smart. He refuses almost all attempts that anyone makes at helping him, unless he realizes he can't do it at all. He sees hound like shadows at the edge of his vision. He collapses under pressure, but refuses to give up on his goal.

Description: Leon is around 6 foot, and muscular. He has grey eyes that give him an evil glare, and dark tan skin. His hair is messy and, hangs around his black headband. His teeth are eerily white, and he has a cruel smile. Leon wears an open white button down shirt, and a necklace with two jackal canines surrounding an emerald. He wears a simple pair of khaki shorts, and leather sandals.

History: Leon’s parents left him, and his sister, Jenna, in the desert. They tried to find help in the cities, but no one offered them any help. Leon and Jenna built a small shelter on the edge of the desert to live in. They got by and a few years passed like this. On Leon's 15th birthday a gang from a nearby town attacked them, and kidnapped his sister then disappeared into the desert. Leon was lost without his sister's help, and just wandered into the desert the way the gang had gone. He found a cave after a few days of walking, and went inside. All he found was a strange necklace. The necklace had to canine teeth surrounding a sparkling emerald. Leon was drawn towards it for an unknown reason. Leon took the necklace, and started to wear it. After one month of searching he still hadn't found out where the gang was hiding, and all of the sudden he blacked out. All Leon felt was a sharp pain throughout his body, and then everything was calm and he felt a cool breeze. Then, the pain came back, and he heard a single word "Sable". Then Leon woke up. All he saw around him were the bodies of the entire gang, and his sister. They looked as if some giant beast had just ripped through them. Leon was scared and quickly left the gang's base. Leon began to see shadows at the edge of his vision, and he began to black out more often. Each time he woke up he was in a different place, and there was some form of dead life. The last time he blacked out he could clearly see everything he did, and he almost enjoyed it as he sliced through the body of a coyote with his claws. After that he didn't remember anything when he blacked out. Leon is now looking for someone who understands what is happening to him.

Other: None


Name: Sable

Age: 7

Personality:Sable is a cold-blooded killer. Anything in his path he will attack, and try to kill. He only has respect for other beasts that can last against him. Sable doesn't like to stay in one place, and will constantly move when he is in control. Sable will only eat fresh meat that he killed with his own strength. He is constantly looking for someone he can test his strength against. His only purpose is to fight and kill.

Beast type: Jackal

Description: Sable is 7feet tall, and has short course black fur covering him from head to toe. He has humanlike hands with sharp claws, and his feet are more canine like. He has an elongated snout with very sharp teeth. He is wearing Egyptian style armor, and the necklace that Leon wears. His eyes are rimmed in silver and his eyes are pure black. He wears no shoes.

Other: Across his left eye there is a blue streak

Are the beasts going to be full anthro animals?
Sorry, I tried to use Anubis as a starting point for Sable.
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be creative
Mimori: Great. :D <3

Hyoga: Very nice sign up, but there are a few points you have to clear up before I accept you. First, Leon has to be bitten by a Jackal; the necklace just can't start possesing him. Two, Was his sister dead? (Random one, sorry. XD) Three: He doesn't hear the name until after the roleplay starts. For a while at the beginning of the roleplay, all the characters are adjusting/used to it-ish, so he'd also have had no visions of what is happening, he should have no idea. And Four, I'm afraid it can't be anthro, the creature is pure animal. Pure Jackal. When they become one with the beast, they can pick and choose which parts to transform if they want. :)

Exiled: XD Me too.

...There are a lot of evil beasts here. o__o *hides*
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The Compromise
XD But insanity is fun! =D

Besides, you know I'd change it if I hadn't been writing up the sign up since you posted it. Sagroth is going to be a nice, creepy hyena... That's all I'm going to tell you.

I'll try and get it finished soon, I promise. ;)