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milotic must beautiful


christian 4ever
do youhtink milotic is the most beautiful pokemon or do you think other pokemon are prettier than her/him?i will say that shes so beautiful
Yes, of course Milotic is beautiful, but just about tied with her is Latias ^^
Milotic is hideously ugly. I hate it almost as much as I hate zucchini.
If Milotics existed, I'd devote my life to slaying those vile worms.


Well-Known Member
Vaporeon is the most beautiful pokemon, imo. Its not because its my favorite pokemon either!

I think Milotic is the most beautiful pokemon AND gardevoir
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Milotic sucks badly.
And I'll continue to talk trash about that worm here, and nobody can stop me. :p


Well-Known Member
Guh. Milotic is fugly. Feebas is more attractive. :/
I can name Pokemon several times more beautiful. Gardevoir, Dragonair, Bunyatto (Sod off, wankers. I think she's georgeous. :/), Ninetails, Rapidash, Dewgong, Vaporeon...

In fact, Dragonair and Vaporeon blow Miltotic out of the water, then proceed to hack her up and serve her as sushi.

Skitty24: Off topic, but might I suggest changing that sprite in your sig to the D/P version? Advanced gen butchered Vaporeon's colored; she's light blue, not some nasty green color.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Yeah, Milotic looks cool :D I have a Lv.6 one that has won Master Rank contests :p


Well-Known Member
Milotic is not a worm your just pist of that you were never able to get one

I was able to get one, and I still think she sucks. >> She's not attractive at all.
Burninator: Thank you. Dragonair's my second favorite Pokemon, i think she's exceptionally beautiful...and doesn't have bug eyes like Milotic.​