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milotic must beautiful


Advanced gen butchered Vaporeon's colored; she's light blue, not some nasty green color.

Vaporeon's automatically female now? When did that happen? LOL at feminine Pokémon with 87.5% chance of being male.

Nothing against Vaporeon. I love the Eeveelutions all.

Edit button FTW!
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Moon Prism Power!
Milotic is not a worm your just pist of that you were never able to get one

Yup I agree with you. You know that things you put hard work on and dedicate your time to that thing will come out beautiful just like with the caterpillar cycle and all that. But yes I do believe Milotic is one of the most beautiful pokemon along with Dragonair, Gardevoir, and Espeon
I actually have one, too. At Lvl. 5, because it's soooooo OOGLY.
But I do have a box full of adorable Feebas.
Lapras is much more beautiful than Milotic.
Neorantu is also more beautiful than Milotic.


Well-Known Member
Vaporeon's automatically female now? When did that happen?

XP I genereally refer to certain Pokemon as he or she. for example, Gardevoir is usually a 'she', even though i myself prefer male Gardevoir.
Plus, I'm like, subconsciously sexist. :p Good Pokemon = Female? I dunno.

Actually, I probably just don't wanna call her an it.


have we all forgotten Gorebyss?

... It wears an ugly bra.

Milotic is beautiful, yeah, but Gardevoir, Vapore- no wait.. That Pokemon is fugly.

Kirlia... Ninetails, Rapidash, MOST LEGENDARIES.

Articuno! 8D


Well-Known Member

Skitty24: Off topic, but might I suggest changing that sprite in your sig to the D/P version? Advanced gen butchered Vaporeon's colored; she's light blue, not some nasty green color.

It looks fine to me. Where does it look green?

EDIT: *ignoring Safyre's comment*


there is no way you could have a milotic in level 5 feebas hatches at level 5 and you have to level it up to evolve


I actually have one, too. At Lvl. 5, because it's soooooo OOGLY.
But I do have a box full of adorable Feebas.
Lapras is much more beautiful than Milotic.
Neorantu is also more beautiful than Milotic.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist...

Thank you creativeworlds.net...


Well-Known Member
It looks fine to me. Where does it look green?

Advanced Gen - D/P
Advanced Gen is notably more green. Plus, if you compare it to Suigmori Art, it's obviously too green in color.

I don't really care what Safyre has to say about Vaporeon. Some people are tasteless.
Milotic is still hideous. It was a waste of Pokeblocks; that's why i don't have one in Emerald. I used all my Beauty blocks on my--gasp!--Vaporeon. It looks good in the Museum.
Feebas only needs a bunch of well-blended PokeBlocks.
I think.
Though I could be wrong, in which case my Milotic is at Lvl. 6. Whatever the case, it's rotting in the box.


<- This guy Rocks!
Personally, I don't like Milotic.
Dragonair >>>> Milotic.

I love Dratini's Line, and Dragonair is the most beautiful pokémon in my opinion.


Feebas only needs a bunch of well-blended PokeBlocks.
I think.
Though I could be wrong, in which case my Milotic is at Lvl. 6. Whatever the case, it's rotting in the box.

your talking to an expert here youre a liar you cant have milotic at level 5 after you give it the pokeblocks and it has high beauty you need to level up to eolve
Well, then it's Lvl. 6.
I'm not an expert on all things Milotic, because I hate the thingy.
I wuv Feebas, though.
And what is Milotic, if not a worm?


Well-Known Member
Advanced Gen - D/P
Advanced Gen is notably more green. Plus, if you compare it to Suigmori Art, it's obviously too green in color.

I don't really care what Safyre has to say about Vaporeon. Some people are tasteless.
Milotic is still hideous. It was a waste of Pokeblocks; that's why i don't have one in Emerald. I used all my Beauty blocks on my--gasp!--Vaporeon. It looks good in the Museum.

I see what you mean now. Thanks for telling me. ^_^


Well-Known Member
I see what you mean now. Thanks for telling me. ^_^

Well. It's blaringly obvious. Hell, you should be able to notice, you have the AG sprite RIGHT next to the Sugimori artwork in your sig.
Hardly a number one fan if you can't notice THAT.

Infinite Master Sceptile: It's more like an eel, really. A nasty looking eel. >>