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milotic must beautiful


I love threads that attract so much flaming involving a single Pokémon.

I am glad to have the rare and "beautiful" (<<note quotation marks...) Milotic, as it will be very persuasive when WiFi trading comes to the US. I never use it in battle, I have it trained solely so it could help me win the Silver Trainer Card, and I don't find it an attractive Pokémon... but it's not hideously ugly, either.

I just like having it around as a 'Dex filler mainly. It can be powerful in battle, which is why I'm having trouble at the Battle Pike right now. Why did Lucy have to have the patience to train a Milotic, WHY??


I dream in pixels.
I think Deoxys is the most beautiful. All of you are looking at the "Suppose to be beautiful" Pokemon.


Leave my posts alone
Milotic is a damn magnificant Pokemon, but not beautiful in that way.

Elegant is the word I'm after.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
In my opinion its ugly. That does not mean that everyone has to think so, its just my opinion.

Muk is the most beautiful pokemon ever, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I dony think its the most Beautiful. Its elegant but not a beauty

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Doesn't change the fact you were right. :/ I think Haunter is more aesthetically pleasing than Milotic.
But that's just me. I also find Bunyatto pretty.

Agreed that Haunter is more aesthetically pleasing. I find Pokemon like Banette and Glalie better looking than a stain glass worm.


Gust of Wind
milotic is pretty beautiful if you win the beauty contest with it and looks at it's painting

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Of course Milotic is the most beautiful for me, but Gardevoir and Crescelia are runner-ups for me.