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milotic must beautiful

latias is most beatyful


Milotic is probably so often believed to be the most beautiful simply because it's supposed to be. I love Milo, but it does look slightly ugly sometimes.

A lot of Pokemon look beautiful for reasons. Gardevoir and Leafia, for example, because of their body shapes. Latias simply for it's looks, Mew because of it's cuteness, Umbreon because of it's slcikness... etc.

I'd have to say Mew, Leafia, Milotic, Latias mabye Altaria are all tied for most beautiful.

Johnny Blaze

Blaze Trainer
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol (corny and over used I know) So IMO Aggron or Metagross have the be the most beautiful...ooooo or Rhydon...or Arcanine! *gasp* MAYBE BLAZIKEN!!! Or Golem!! Or...or...Steelix yeah! Or Houndoom! Heh all my favorites are beautiful to me....
Articuno, Gardevoir, Milotic, Latias, Ninetales, Rapidash, Gorebyss, Meganium, Dragonair, Espeon, Moltres, Ho-oh!

And how can we forget the beautiful SUICUNE!!


Well-Known Member
MUK is the most beautiful pokemon. just imagine its powerful putrid stench filling the air as it moves towards you while its creamy, gooey, and vibrant purple mass of filth ripples slowly with its every movement. admit it. who can resist the urge to touch a piece of blob whenever they see one? simplicity is beauty!
I second Ard's post.
*shoots Milotic with gatling gun*
Not looking so pretty now with all those bullet holes, huh, worm?
Milotic is disturbing, creepy, and terrifying. It gives me the willies.
Wigglytuff is more beautiful. Hell, Clefable is probably the prettiest Pokemon.


I think Floatsel is the most beautiful Pokemon because I could look at it for hours. Its design is so... happy. :p I also love how the orange and cream is mixed together with the turquoise flippers.

The other winners are:

Cute - Ampharos :D
Tough - Machamp
Cool - Sceptile
Smart - Alakazam



christian 4ever
latias is not beautiful .its cute,theres a difference betwee beauty and cute..........ah that latias with its cry in pokemon heroes was so cute.............