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Milotic Sketch


I did this:

what do you think, i didnt try my best, i was just doodling. It doesnt have colour yet

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Okay, just some minor problems. The big scales on the end of its tail, there should be four, you've only got three. The ends of its 'hair' are pointy, yours are too blunt.

There's also a problem with the scales on its tail, they should look more like stained glass, but yours are sharp and look odd.

Other than that it's very nice :)


What? Exactly
It's okay, but there are some problems. In addition to what Omega Pirate said, the miliotic is way too thin. And the scales are supposed to be hexagons. Fix the problems me and OP mentioned and you'll have a great piece.


Kanto Starter Fan
Very nice for a quick doodle, although there are the problems that are stated above. Its a shame that the quality has been messed up too, but Id love to see it coloured in.


I'm baaaaaack
I really like it. It seems really thin though. Meh. It's just me.

The Edge

Ah, a self-portrait. :p
Nothing much to say that hasn't been said...It's a bit too thin, the tail isn't quite right, and the eyebow...hair...things...are also too long and too thick.
But it's really pretty good, just pay a little more attention to what the real thing looks like and it'll be great ^__^


Salingerian Phony
I can't blame you for inaccuracies...You said it was a doodle, which means you probably had no frame of reference. I'd probably meess up ten times worse than that, since I know relatively little about what Milotic lokos like.

One thing that bothers me though is its small head. I guess it's because of the lack of a pointy snout and its torso being much thicker than how you drew it.