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Mimmiroppu or Bunyatto

Girafarig Girl

Beautiful but Deadly
I want both so badly, but they are version exclusives! :( Which one should I get (battle-wise)?


Mimmiroppu is cool, chose it!!!

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I have Pearl and have both. I don't think Mimiroppu is a version exclusive, but Nyarumuu and Bunyatto are.

Anyway, I prefer Bunyatto. No idea why, I just do.


Well-Known Member
Check the dex, Mimmiroppu isnt version exclusive. Its the fat cat and the skunk that are


*tiwts widdw head*
I wouldn't care even if Bunyatto had legendary stats, tch, Mimiroppu's sexier. XP

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i don't know why, but i just had a thought of a mimioppu in a pokemon strip club and a Blaziken getting infecuated by her and dragging her off to be his mate...
i am really odd sometimes...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Mimilop. S!ut bunny FTW.

I've also found myself some pretty elegant Mimilop furry fanart. ^_^ (Anyone else into that sorta thing? Naysayers go away.)