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Mini Games

Since PBR is a Pokemon Stadium type game do you thing it will have mini games that use the features of the Wiimote? and what mini games would you like?


I personally was not a big fan of the mini games but I will be happy with whatever they add.
i would love to see mini-games in this game. they most likely will hav some:)
Thats why I don't like them much since the N64 is at my Grandmother's house so every party we have everyone plays them over and over. I do like the Delibird one though since I love Christmas.
i liked the one when u had to cut the log rite on the white line. i hope a mini game like that will be in PBR. :)
Yea, and you could use your control like a sword to cut the log. Nintendo will be making sure the Wii's features will be used in the mini games.


Pokemon Collecter
I didn't have an N64, so I never played the mini games. :(
But I'd like them in this game. The more they put in, the better. :D
I want to have mini games my sister enjoys them a lot!


Salingerian Phony
I really hope we get to use our own Pokémon again...my nicknaming skills have greatly improved since Pokémon Stadium 2.


Well-Known Member
Meh i dont mind if they put them in.
Some mini games would be brilliant, especially if you could unlock the 'classic' ones, such as Stadium 2's Scyther/Scizor/Pinsir log game, and Stadium's 'Magikarp Splash'. Awesomeness.
As for new games, Torkoal Football. But what would be pretty amazing would be a Salamence vs. Flygon flying game. Would flying through levitating loops be too mundane? Or a Quidditch-like match...cool.


<- He want da cookie
I think your ideas are great Anyone 4 Buttons. I would love to see minigames
In battle revolution.


Well-Known Member
If tehy will make mini-games, i will sure that there will be only 4th gen Pokemon, but what will be super, that they will be played by new cool gameplay!!!!!!
Thanks Pachirisu. Just came up with one more idea for a minigame. Like in the D/P underground, you could use the Wiimote as a pickaxe or chisel, to unlock extra items, or just to find a hidden picture, within a certain time limit (like one of the games from Mario Party).


Well-Known Member
Since they've already directly brought some stuff back from Stadium, I think Minigames have a good chance too...

I sure hope so anyways, I loved them.


The Sacred
Maybe they'll have a game like "Smack the Noepass"
Where there is a Noepass on the middle of the screen and you have to swing the Wiimote across the screen as fast as you can to see how far it goes.
(maybe not Noepass but another pokemon)
Sort of like the Super Smash Bros Melee game with the punching bag.
Or like the computer minigame: "Slap the monkey"


Well-Known Member
Since there is no RPG there should be minigames. I think that instead of using pokemon in the game like Stadium, you should use your own trained pokemon that meet the criteria!