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Minomucchi to garmeil should be?

  • male

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • female

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • it shouldnt

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Ok, i don't know what other people think about this, but this is why i'm making this poll.

Minomucchi evolves into Minomadamu when its female and Garmeil when its male. But i perosnally think it should be the other way round cause Minomadamu is just a skank little bagworm thing.

what do you think?

pokechuppa x;026;


that was quick.

well i dont actually think Minomadamu should even exsist cause its skank and a waste of a pokemon creation!



names make sense

plus, I do think that minomadam looks rubbish, sadly, but I love the fact they can be differnt types of your choice


YOUR best friend
Things are fine the way they are because of what bagworms are like in real life - only males grow wings and leave the bag.


Contaminated KFC
The Minomucchi line just follows the actual lifecycle of a bagworm irl. The males eventually become moths, while the females stay as bagworms for their entire lives.

Hence why it's bagworm evolution is called Minomadam, hint hint.

Edit: Hooray for being beaten to the post!


that was quick.

well i dont actually think Minomadamu should even exsist cause its skank and a waste of a pokemon creation!


I kill you,minomadammu rocks,anyway,on topic:
females stay bagworms,males turn into butterfly,things,thats what its based on,so its fine that way.


im sorry i didnt actually know about bagworms so yeah, but that doesnt make me like it anymore, oh wait i hated it 2 begin off with :(