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Mirage Island


Shiny Hunter
I remember the first time I played my Ruby version, I was going over to PacifidLog amd passed right by it (not knowing that it hardly ever shows up). Yeah, I haven't seen it since :/


Well-Known Member
If I ever go there I will get all their leichi berries, catch one wynaut so that under where it says I got it, it will say MIRAGE ISLAND but.... no I haven't been there yet . Oh and I would save the game there to show all my friends, I could even take a photo!
I have never been though i want to. I dont have the dedication to commit myself to something like that as it is done by luck and you dont really know if you will ever get there.
Leichi berries will soon become invaluable with wifi and cloning. ;123;


Toon link
well you could always soft reset until he see's the island but i've never been there don't really want to be there if i go for i'll grab the berry and go for a shiny whynut or somthing..

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
i got there today,
i got a wynaught,
and a leichi
and then left,

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
What's the point of going there in the first place?

you get a wynaut from the Egg and otherwise you can always breed them since you can catch a Wobbufet in the safarizone.
and when wifi is out the Berry will be easy to get. so the whole Mirage Island will have nopoint of interest anymore.


Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
Never been there, don't intend to go there either.
Besides, the chances of getting there are as high as encountering 5 shinies in a row.


Well-Known Member
I think the chance of finding Mirage Island is 1 in 10923 (65536/6) with 6 Pokémon in your party. I for one will not bother with it.


Well-Known Member
Nope, cause I hardly visit that guy from Pacifidlog anyways. I would much rather whip Elite Four butt 20 times in a row with my Sneasel army. :}


Well-Known Member
been there on my sapphire game...
but i havent been there yet on my emerald...too bad that the berry is gone from my sapphire:)


Jirachi Master
Never been there, and frankly I dont care.