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Mirage Pokemon Arena

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New Member
This is a RPG for trainers who can have mirage pokemon. To begin you must have the following.
Pokemon: One Mirage Starter, one Mirage Legendary, and one other Mirage pokemon. Say I have Mew and you want Mew. You can't have a Legend if someone has the same one. If no Legends are left I might allow a final form starter.
History: (optional P.S. extra credit.)

Mine is:
Name: Sasuke
Pokemon: Mirage Naetoru, Mirage Mew, and Mirage Pikachu. Mirage pokemon are just like regular pokemon.
Description: Black hair, blue shirt, White pants.
History: Is brother of Lance of Elite 4.;136;

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
You want extra credit? Read the rules. Seriously. There's no plot. What bit you have is pathetic. Your sign up is as pathetic and this is basically spam. And I'm tired of reporting crap like this to the mods so do them a favour and just delete this :/

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
4. RPG Length
RPG plots must consist of a minimum of approximately 400-600 words. Since paragraphs can be defined as any length, a word count is better suited to making sure they are of adequate length. This amounts to about half a page on Word.

I think you failed this one buddy. Actually this rpg needs alot of help.

Rules Advice
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