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MirorMiror (yugiohGX)


white & nerdy
I missed both parts of this can someone fill me in?
Sarina tests Jaden and Aster to see who is the chosen one by dueling in a virtual simiulater. At the end, Sarina stays in the virtual world and Aster and Jaden are both the chozen one. Sarina tells them that her brother, Sartorious, was given a card by a person that looked like shroud, the one that turned Zane to InZane. Sartorious was overwhelmed by this card and had an evil side and created the sociaty of light.


white & nerdy
thanks but who won and did they go back to the acadamy


Mew Trainer
has anyone noticed how Dartz Yugioh and Serena (GX) both had an ancient /evil/priest/mirror theme? am i the only one?