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Miscellaneous errors and issues


Well-Known Member
I decided to do a Pokemon watching Spree recently, and after hearing all the news, does it bother anyone the Ash gets the Grass starter YET AGAIN?

I just finished watching the end of the Silver Conference in Johto, and I realised that the only one of Ash's pokemon that evolved in Johto, was Chikorita into Bayleef. That's pretty weak, considering he goes on to use some of his underdeveloped pokemon in the Silver conference. I mean, really, Totodile? It's clear that the show works based on the principles of the games for the most part, and if Totodile hasn't evolved, it means he isn't even Level 14 yet. Squirtle also never evolved, and yet he knows Hydro Pump. It would make sense to me if they dedicated an episode to why each Pokemon decided NOT to evolve, like Bulbasaur.

Furthermore, toward the end of the Johto league (ie. Silver Conference), what was the deal with all the dubbing errors? I can't remember specifically now, but I remember something about Brock talking about Golem having just used Icy Wind or something, when it was clearly wrong. Then when they announced Harrison from (Silver Town), when he was clearly from LittleRoot Town.

Those are the only ones I remember somewhat specifically of, there were some other mistakes that really stood out to me, and I was just wondering what the deal was with the translation errors in the last few eps of the Johto saga?
No it was Magneton using Icy Wind. ^^ Also levels in the anime don't exist.

-Mega Trickster


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's it. Is there any reason for the million and one errors?

They're always talking about Pokemon of a higher level can overcome type differences, and how even if one Pokemon is stronger than the other type wise, you have to take levels into consideration.

So yeah, I really believe that they DO exist in the show.


Well-Known Member
That's it? For 260 eps, I didn't notice any errors, and then suddenly 4 or 5 errors in consecutive episodes? There must've been more than just a coincidence, one of the translators peeved at the company/franchise/world perhaps?
No, I'm serious they just suck. Check the English Yugioh GX for proof.


Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, the writers seem to be changing that since he evolved alot of his in Hoenn, including two of the groups starters reaching the final form.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I'm surprise. I wonder if Ash's other Pokemon in the D/P season will evolve all the way. The writers seem to finally start having the main characters Pokemon evolve.


Contaminated KFC
The simple answer is, they quickly got the end of the Johto quest out of the way so they could get on to 'Pokémon Advance', as it was then dubbed. The quicker they get to the new pokémon, the more veiwers they could rake in~
If there was a deeper meaning behind it, I'd be very surprised.

As for Ash's Johto pokémon staying in their first forms; Surely the fact tha....ahh, screw it. I'm sure the animé FAQs already does a decent enough job explaining how the game and animé universes differ from each other.

Also, I'd like to point out that almost all of Ash's pokémon have evolved. Corphish, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Cyndaquil and Totodile are the only ones who haven't, infact. Every other creature he has has evolved from something, whether it was in his possesion when it did so or not. The rest are just stand-alones who count as fully evolved~
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Well-Known Member
Well, I personally meant an evolution taking place during the course of an episode. Chikorita also evolved only into Bayleef.

Of course, I can understand if they wanted to get the Johto League out of the way. To be honest, Johto was a little weirdly paced..It was 150 episodes long, and didn't even cover ALL of the new pokemon introduced in Gold/Silver. Glad to see that this won't be the case with Advanced (which I'm moving onto now) since this series is only around 130~ eps long, with plenty of evolutions. We never saw Typhlosion in Johto, as I recall, and that's only one pokemon that stands out in my head.

I look forward to watching the Kanto Battle Frontier. The series appears to be getting better though, I'm quite enjoying the beginning of Advanced. I was getting bored to tears by the end of Kanto/Johto.

On another note guys: The theme songs are a bit iffy now.. I didn't like the first one so much, or the Orange Islands theme, but the first Johto Journey song was awesome, and incredibly catchy. The next one was decent, a nice remix of the original, but then I've noticed that it's since degenerated into generic techno/rock/cool guy rap crap that seems to be so prominent in dubbed anime series. What gives?

I'm still interested in hearing their boyband-remixed versions in the movies of course, but I haven't been able to get movies 4 and onwards in English :(


Well-Known Member
What's the problem with the dub? Did they change dubber and it improved leaps and bounds? Or is it much much worse? I don't think I mind it, Pokemon is basically the only series I watch dubbed because of the Pokemon names, and because when I began the series, it was with the dubbed version.

Korobooshi Kojiro

The voices changed, and their have been like only 2 minor mistakes (Brock saying Fire attacks were effective against Ground, and Max calling them "Earth" type attacks)


Old Coot
That's it? For 260 eps, I didn't notice any errors, and then suddenly 4 or 5 errors in consecutive episodes? There must've been more than just a coincidence, one of the translators peeved at the company/franchise/world perhaps?
You sure missed one helluvan amount of errors. ;\

Please refer to http://dogasu.bulbagarden.net/

Numerous mistakes were made, even in the movies and the Chronicles side-series.

Also, levels DON'T exist. Numeral levels cannot exist in the anime. Level of strength or power, however makes more sense in comparing the difference in power of two Pokemon.


Yeah, ok!
The reason why the Johto league had a lot of dubbing errors was because KidsWb rushed the entire league in a week. 4kids had to dub like 8 episodes at an incredibly fast pace so KidsWB could air new episodes from Monday-Friday for a week.

Ha, I still remember rushing home from school because I didn't want to miss Bulbasaur and Squirtle kicking *** in the Johto league.

Tee hee!

Cherimu Dude

Well-Known Member
levels dont really exist in the anime but they were featured in that old school episode, can't remeber which but the schoolboys analasyed the pokemons level n stuff


Old Coot
Which was the first and only time they were ever mentioned. Not to mention, the episode aired long ago, when the show was first being aired.
Chris-Brock mentioned that Magneton was at a "high level" to use "Icy Wind".
