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Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
I had just bought a World Championship deck today, and something seems to be wrong, or somethings messed up the wrong way. Inside this deck was a shiny latias. I went to see what color a shiny Latios is, and it turned up to be the color a shiny Latios would be. It's an odd green color. According to the shiny Pokemon avatars, I should have a shiny Latios. It appears that shiny Latias is a reddish color. Have I messed up something, or what?

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Set name and number of the shiny Lati in question please, then I'll do a little research for ya. Supposedly it should be one of these:


They are the correct Shiny Pokémon colours as I recall.

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
Ok. It's a non-holoil copy of 105. I guess it just looks wrong in the avatars. I just finally found a picture of it. Oh well. so much for that. Sorry. It just looks more red in the avatars. I'm just glad I got it. ;)
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