Commander Blitzkrieg
Sentry Down!
Actually, I caught every single one on my first try.
Where do you get to snag Yanma for the second time??
I'm only missing Togetic and I can't catch it!!!I never received the e-mail saying that a new trainer appared blahblah , and I've been playing for agesAnybody has an idea why?Is there an event that triggers the e-mail? I counted like 78457645647564756 times and I have 47 pokemons
You should have recieved a mail telling you about Togetic, but not how to get it... if memory serves (and after a quick check on the walkthrough on serebii), try looking for and finding some old 'Steel teeth' on the bottom of the Deep Colosseum floorand give them to a man in The Under, who can't speak properly without them. That might activate mails about people accusing you of attacking them with a dark togetic. One includes the guy who runs around the fountain in Pyrite. Try watching the TV as well - and you'll need to go to differing places before you can get Togetic.I don't see a response to this, and I'm having a similar problem. When I got the Shuckle from Deep King Agnol, I didn't have Metagross yet, so I went back to the Realgam Tower and got it, so now I have all 47 shadow pokemon and I've purified all of them, but I can't seem to get the emails that mention the clone. Is there any way for me to get Togetic and Ho-oh, any way to trigger it, or am I stuck? I've tried beating Deep King Agnol again, I've tried beating all of Mt. Battle (in scenario mode), I've beaten Realgam Tower again, I've even tried just travelling from place to place. Am I going to have to start the whole game over? The whole reason I bought the game was to get Ho-oh! Help!
You should have recieved a mail telling you about Togetic, but not how to get it... if memory serves (and after a quick check on the walkthrough on serebii), try looking for and finding some old 'Steel teeth' on the bottom of the Deep Colosseum floorand give them to a man in The Under, who can't speak properly without them. That might activate mails about people accusing you of attacking them with a dark togetic. One includes the guy who runs around the fountain in Pyrite. Try watching the TV as well - and you'll need to go to differing places before you can get Togetic.
BTW the guy with it (who incidently happens to look just like you) ends up being in the Outskirt stand.
First, try getting the teeth and talking to the guy and giving them to him. And maybe even try using the other UFO disk he gives you first as well... and talk to the kids int he Kids Grid as well, as they are, I think, the ones to first send you the e-mails regarding the Togetic.
Hope I helped...