What about Metagross and the othe 4 trainers at Regalm Tower?How many Ulta Balls and Timer Ball i should get?
Ket Shi said:You can fight the trainers in Realgam as much as you'd like. Since there is no conclusive end to the story, you start again at the trainer with the Normal Pokémon and advance to Evice again.
Jirachivoir said:Even Metagross?
Thats for you SceptileTrainer. It's good to read through the thread before you post...Ket Shi said:Bayleef/Croconaw/Quilava: I think that if you missed it the first time, the corresponding trainer (Verde/Bluno/Rosso) will have it in Realgam Tower if you fight him again.
Tyrannotaur said:If you have trouble catching the pokes you can raise a Zangoose with False swipe ans Swords dance and just catch what you can, then go back and trade for zangoose and use swords dance and then false swipe..just make sure Zangoose is at a high level 90's would do. This won't work to well on Metagoss or Tyranitar since they are rock and steel..
Typically, though, Shadow Pokemon resort to Shadow Rush when it cannot strike a super effective hit with its other attacks. For example, when going back to get Metagross with a LV 100 Blaziken and a LV 80-something Kyogre, it just kept using Psychic on Blaziken instead of trying to go the easier route and Shadow Rush Kyogre.Ket Shi said:False Swipe is a bad idea to use on Shadow Pokémon. If you whittle a Shadow to 1 health, they'll use Shadow Rush and faint themselves from recoil.
Ket Shi said:False Swipe is a bad idea to use on Shadow Pokémon. If you whittle a Shadow to 1 health, they'll use Shadow Rush and faint themselves from recoil.