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Missed a Colosseum Shadow Pokémon? Check here.

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What about Metagross and the othe 4 trainers at Regalm Tower?How many Ulta Balls and Timer Ball i should get?


Stone Trainer
I caught all of them and finished purifying today. I'm upto battle 20 on the battle mode battle mountain so a fifth of the way to ho-oh. I have to say that snagging all of them isn't that hard, just save all the time. For metagross just take about 20 ultra balls. Before I got the game, I read the posts and thought oh no catching all of them is going to be impossible, in my mind its harder to purify them all. So anybody who is reading, don't fret you can do it! My advice is save as much as you can, its tedious but its worth it when you see snagged: 48!

Ket Shi

Hey, don't worry. You can snag Yanma in the Snagem Hideout or Shadow Lab, and you have infinite tries at Suicune. Make sure to snag it next time you get to fight Venus, because it's really good!

Digital Flareon

aka Ignis Solus
*saves to favorites then glomps Ketshi* Thank you Ketshi! I need this to keep me from freaking out because I always get jumpy before I challenge a guy with a legendary shadow pokemon! *is attemping to snag entei*


Only a matter of time before someone started compiling this info. . .

All I can contribute is this: Somewhere in Pyrite Cave (in one of the sewer-like sections), there is a Cipher Peon just standing like a normal trainer (as opposed to leaping into battle). I'm pretty sure this one doesn't appear with the cycled Peons in the Snag'Em Hideout or the Shadow Pokemon Lab. What I don't remember, though, is what (if any) Shadow Pokemon he/she carries.

Ket Shi

That Cipher Peon isn't anyone in particular. You can fight her when you're searching for Miror B. She doesn't have a Shadow.


well im done..i bought another memory card,went through the game catching ONLY CROCONAW!and refought and captured ALL at the end


Just to help confirm things on the list, all of the Cipher Peons in the Dark pokemon Lab Reappear in their exact same spots the second time you run through the place.


Ket Shi said:
You can fight the trainers in Realgam as much as you'd like. Since there is no conclusive end to the story, you start again at the trainer with the Normal Pokémon and advance to Evice again.

Even Metagross?

Wobbuffet fan

Jirachivoir said:
Even Metagross?

Yes, thisincludes Metagross, Tyranitar, Absol, Tropius, and all of the other guys. I can't remember all of them right now, but I know this can be done because I killed Absol but couldn't find that Rider. Then, I went back to Realgam and found out that you can replay the end of the story there over and over as many times as you want.


Thankies! After I beat the game I'm gonna upload my Ruby poke's with Master Balls (I hacked them, what's it to you?) And catch the remaining shadow poke's!


whats it to me?i get to say this ..ch..ch..ch..ch...cheater!what?you were expecting chia pet?anyways only one pokemon im not sure if you can rebattle,i chose croconaw in the beginning and i dont know that if i koed him..if i could get him again..


Ket Shi said:
Bayleef/Croconaw/Quilava: I think that if you missed it the first time, the corresponding trainer (Verde/Bluno/Rosso) will have it in Realgam Tower if you fight him again.
Thats for you SceptileTrainer. It's good to read through the thread before you post...

Chaos Dragon

try catching togetic in a nest ball if you have high level pokemon. I think it will work becuse togetic will be much weaker then your other pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I believe I got Murkrow in the same spot in the dark lab, but i think it was being used by another trainer. which was confusing cause I think it was the trainer who originally had sneasel, and in addition I also needed another chance to get sneasel. I did get sneasel again, but I'm not sure where, I think it was snagem hideout when they "rebuild the machine" and all those trainers drop down on the 2nd floor.


If you have trouble catching the pokes you can raise a Zangoose with False swipe ans Swords dance and just catch what you can, then go back and trade for zangoose and use swords dance and then false swipe..just make sure Zangoose is at a high level 90's would do. This won't work to well on Metagoss or Tyranitar since they are rock and steel..

Ket Shi

Tyrannotaur said:
If you have trouble catching the pokes you can raise a Zangoose with False swipe ans Swords dance and just catch what you can, then go back and trade for zangoose and use swords dance and then false swipe..just make sure Zangoose is at a high level 90's would do. This won't work to well on Metagoss or Tyranitar since they are rock and steel..

False Swipe is a bad idea to use on Shadow Pokémon. If you whittle a Shadow to 1 health, they'll use Shadow Rush and faint themselves from recoil.


Ket Shi said:
False Swipe is a bad idea to use on Shadow Pokémon. If you whittle a Shadow to 1 health, they'll use Shadow Rush and faint themselves from recoil.
Typically, though, Shadow Pokemon resort to Shadow Rush when it cannot strike a super effective hit with its other attacks. For example, when going back to get Metagross with a LV 100 Blaziken and a LV 80-something Kyogre, it just kept using Psychic on Blaziken instead of trying to go the easier route and Shadow Rush Kyogre.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Ket Shi said:
False Swipe is a bad idea to use on Shadow Pokémon. If you whittle a Shadow to 1 health, they'll use Shadow Rush and faint themselves from recoil.

Not to argue with you or anything I notice the False Swipes works on some Pokemon when there HP is at 1 they always use a different attack instead on Shadow Rush.
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