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Missed a Colosseum Shadow Pokémon? Check here.

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Awaiting October.
i have caught them all first shot


Perfect IVs
demonman said:
i caught enti on the first try with a dive ball o_O

is there a way to re battle your clone
Yes there is, he drops down from the ceiling of the Snagem Hideout like all Cipher Peons.

Also, sorry if this has already been asked, but where do you rebattle for Makuhita?

De HotShot Mon

Smack Down time
Ket Shi said:
If you chose Bayleef, Quilava will be availible at the Snagem Hideout, and Croconaw will be availible at the Shadow Pokémon Lab.
If you chose Quilava, Croconaw will be availible at the Snagem Hideout, and Bayleef will be availible at the Shadow Pokémon Lab.
If you chose Croconaw, Bayleef will be availible at the Snagem Hideout, and Quilava will be availible at the Shadow Pokémon Lab.

Strange. I chose Bayleef and I found Croconaw at the Snagem Hideout and Quilava at the Shadow Pokemon Lab.


Pokemon Champ
does anyone know?

1.does anyone know where I can re-capture shadow suncuine because i acidently killed it from lady venus or whatever her name is.

2. does anyone have a suggested team that can actually beat lady venus? i killed the suncuine but not her whole team.


Dynamo Trainer
Kyogrestargirl! said:
1.does anyone know where I can re-capture shadow suncuine because i acidently killed it from lady venus or whatever her name is.

2. does anyone have a suggested team that can actually beat lady venus? i killed the suncuine but not her whole team.
1. Keep playing through the game and you will fight Lady Venus again. She'll always have Suicune in her party until you snag it.

2. For your team, if you've been training Espeon and Umbreon, they work well on everything but Steelix. You can take out Steelix with Hariyama, Entei, or anything with a good Water attack.


I'm only missing Togetic and I can't catch it!!!I never received the e-mail saying that a new trainer appared blahblah , and I've been playing for ages :( Anybody has an idea why?Is there an event that triggers the e-mail? I counted like 78457645647564756 times and I have 47 pokemons :(
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Beginning Trainer
What to do now? I got every pokemon and Ho-oh?
Oh..yeah, I caught Entei with a Pokeball...!!!


The Pokémon Weaver
For good grief! Now I can get Mantine (even a DP trade for Tamanta), Remoraid, Ho-oh, and other Shadows I missed. I did miss quite a few.


Thunder Gym Leader
You go to the place where the final boss (Evice is) There will be a girl there who oyu fight before Evice, SHE SHOULD HAVE IT. But I am not sure if those people are still there after you beat Evice. ( sorry caps)


Well-Known Member
It show`s up after you catch all the other 47 pokemon then you`ll get an e-mail that some one who looks exactly like you attacks people with a togetic, I suggest you save before battling him if you love Togetic very much ^.^
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