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missing glasses

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I'm just wondering about the guy who has lost his glasses. Is there any way to get them back? I can't find the answer in the game guide.


Master Breeder
you never find his missing glasses. you can find some Blackglasses, the dark-type-boosting hold item, somewhere near him. talk to him after finding them, and he says they're not his and walks away.


Ok, thanks.


Beginning Trainer
Sorry for bringing up this old thread.
But when you use the itemfinder in the place where he is looking for the glasses it responds. It says: "there must be something buried here".

How do I fint the item? should'nt I just wlk around at press the A button everywhere in then path? I find nothing!!!


:) Eva

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
Sorry for bringing up this old thread.
But when you use the itemfinder in the place where he is looking for the glasses it responds. It says: "there must be something buried here".

How do I fint the item? should'nt I just wlk around at press the A button everywhere in then path? I find nothing!!!


:) Eva

The blackglasses are located above the trees, when you walk out of the cave, you'll see trees right before you, there's the Blackglasses



Master Breeder
when you use the itemfinder, it will point you toward the hidden item.
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