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mission cheat

Meta Knight

okay, so i made up this mission cheat which is really useful, but it only works on certain missions.

here's an example of the kind of mission i was talking about (note that it isn't real) :

client: magikarp
mission: find persim band
location: near Mt. Freeze 9f
difficulty: S
wonder mail:

so, what you want to do is:

1) get and accept mission
2) take requested item out of storage (unless already in bag)
3) take escape orb out of of storage (unless already in bag)
4) enter dungeon
5) use escape orb immediately (unless you want to get items, money, etc. in room)
6) mission completed!

i hope you like the cheat i made!
er, not to burst your bubble, but this is commonly known. :/ you didn't quite make it up.

Meta Knight

oh, i didn't know... but this still could be good for the people who don't know...


Well-Known Member
Too lazy to try it out, so how many Rescue points?
Whats the reward?


Lopunny's puns pwn.
Actually, it is quite useful. Some people did not know this before. Thank you for pointing it out! =)


Well-Known Member
I want to know how many Rescue Points you get when you complete the misstion, and what is the reward?


Glitch Hunting Freak
On average it gives you the same amount as rescueing a normal person, which is the minimum amount -_- They aren't considered a "difficult mission because you can complete it on floor one....


Well-Known Member
I know what the generator is...Doesnt everyone. -.-;;;

Then what is the point of posting if it doesnt work?


Onions? Where??
old... useful though


Well-Known Member
What Meta Night is trying to show is a method of getting 700 Rescue Points on Floor One. The mission above is just a fake, just to show an example. Its meant to be NOT working. To understand his/her point try this mission:

Client: Sceptile
Objective: Find a Oran Berry
Place: Buried Relic 99F
Reward: Poke + Wide Slash
16--S (...)?0? 4(m)56
73?R 8C7T KS??

1) Have a oran berry and an escape orb in the toolbox.
2) Go to Buried Relic.
3) On the first floor use escape orb.
This way you can get a lot of rescue points in really short time.

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
Client: Meditite
Objective: Find Petrify Orb.
Place: Near Buried Relic B75F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Mime Jr. Statue
Wonder Mail:
? 6 M Y 8 (M) + ? ? - R N
4 R ? C K C N T J S ? W

Here^ You can just redo that mission enough times and then you can get a lot of points, and a statue if you're that lazy.


Well-Known Member
I first found this out when i tried it for the Weavile(or Mime Jr.) statue


This is very commonly known already, and also, it isn't counted as a cheat, because you are actually using REAL ITEMS in the game. It's more like a strategy. But it's very, very useful. Well, some people who are Lucario Rank don't need it though unless they're trying to get above 90,000 Rescue Points or something. >_>;;