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Misspelling of Pokemon

Don't you hate it when your uncle or Mom or someone misspells or says pokemon wrong? I've heard it all. Pokeman, Pokemion, poke-mon, etc. What have you heard?

And what about the actual pokemon? Like Pikachu. Some people call it Pikachow.
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Well-Known Member
Last chrismas, my little cousin wrote in his wish list: Pukemun: Safir (Sapphire). I was ashamed at him. :(


Well-Known Member
LOL! Yu-Gay-oh! XD! That's hillarious!
I don't even want too hear it top8inU.S.A.
I't may get too hilarious!


[Insert Wacky Title]
Pokeman, Pokeemon, those were some examples. Pokiman was another. I was in this Art competition once, and 3 of the 1st and 2nd graders drew Pikachu; they didn't win ofcourse, but the title for all three was totally wrong. It's annoying that anyone would be stupid enough to make that mistake. >_< Oh well...

Pukemun Safir, ROFL. That gives me some really horrible images :p You-Gay-Hoe is hilarious too. I can almost imagine a little kid saying that to another kid, assuming they're talking about Yu-Gi-Oh, but an older person hears it ...
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Powerplay Champion
we actually had a meeting in elementary school where our principal sat the whole school down, and the english teachers tried to figue out the real way to say it...
still stuck between poke uhh muhn and poke ay muhn


Gust of Wind
well...i hate it how kids and parents go 'pokeymon'


Leave my posts alone
Pow (as in "show")- kah (said fast, like "shark!")-mon for me


Salingerian Phony
Actually, alot of people pronounce it wrong. Its called Pou.kei.mon. Not Pou.kee.mon. Just a nice fact.

Not quite...if it really were pronounced that way, the Japanese romanizaiton would've been "Poukeimon," which it isn't. It's just our American drawls geting in the way. Rather, you hold the /o/ sound and not let it degrade into a long /u/ sound.

I think Nintendo was best off dropping the accent mark, since English speakers aren't used to accent marks and will pronounce words with them in all sorts of ways. ("Coup de grace" is often pronounced as "coo de graw," which would mean "obesity" in French.) That way, people can properly pronounce the "e" as the short /e/ sound it was meant to be.
the way its pronounced annoys me~

in america, you pronounce it

whereas in england we call it

ours is better 8)

also I hate the misspelling of Ninetales~