I have not heard any mispellings of Pokemon, but I saw this hacked game on a website which included a hacked TEKKEN 2 that was called Picachu. Simply awful!
Pokeymon >.<
That's how our teachers at school spell it AND say it..
é or ? High
Acute or Open/low Vowels
Use in English
As with other diacritical marks, a number of loanwords are sometimes spelled in English with an acute accent used in the original language: these include sauté, roué, café, touché, fiancé, and fiancée but many consider this nonstandard. Retention of the accent is common only in the French ending é or ée, as in these examples, where its absence would tend to suggest a different pronunciation. Thus the French word résumé is commonly seen in English as resumé, with only one accent (note that this is a false cognate, as in French "résumé" means summary and a resumé in English is a "CV").
For foreign terms used in English that have not been assimilated into English or are not in general English usage, italics are generally used with the appropriate accents: for example, adiós, coup d'état, pièce de résistance, crème brûlée.
Accents are sometimes also used for poetic purposes, to indicate an unusual pronunciation: for example, spelling the word picked (normally [p?kt]) as pickéd to indicate the pronunciation ['p?k?d]. The grave accent is also sometimes used for this purpose.
"mun" means "mouth" in swedish.lol Pukemun, thats funny.
I think Pokeman is pretty common.
i mean shouldn't it be arcticuno?
arctic one?