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Misspelling of Pokemon

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
I hate it hen my dad says "Poke-E-Man"...it makes me mad o_O


Zigzagoon luv
I Hate it when people say Pay-Ki-Cho intead of Pikachu, It sounds retarted and some People call Pokemon, Poke-Pon Instead, Even so, They Can't Pronounce The M?


Dragon Trainer
i found out the other day that i say two names wrong (after watching pokemon 4ever)

i founf that instead of SA-LE-BEE its actually SE-LE-BEE
and its not SUE-SEEN its SWEE-COON!



. . .
whereas in england we call it
ours is better 8)
I live in America and I pronounce it that way.

I hate the way people mispronounce Sneasel. Sneezel, Sneasle, etc. It gets really anoying. >_<

Also, my grandma pronounces Celebi like-



Everyone says po-key-mon is worst, but I hear people call it pogeymon all the time (and not just for fun on this forum)

I always thought suicune was soo-soo-ine0.0


A New Adventure
Haha, you guys remember when they had those gold plated cards at Burger King when the first movie was released? I asked for a Mewtwo one and she insisted that it was pronounced Meowtwo. I laughed in her face :D

But yeah, my dad loves to mispronounce things to annoy me.
My mom says pokeyman. I tell her she's saying it wrong. She says it's the same thing.


Main screen turn on!
One time at school someone threw a note at me and it said "I can beet you at pokyman!"