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Mistakes on Serebii.net V2


It’s Elbaf season!
Pokemon Go, Pokemon Home, Pokemon Unite, Pokemon Cafe Remix and Pokémon Masters EX are only listed under the Gen 8 games when they should also be listed with Scarlet and Violet as part of the Gen 9 games.
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New Member
I seen to have spotted a bit of a mistake in the page about the base camps from Mystery Dungeon DX, the flags for psyduck and cyndaquil seem to be in each other's place.
Since Ash is leaving the anime and his Character Bio will likely not be updated again for the foreseeable future, would it be possible to update the image used for Ash's Beedrill? For several years, its just been a picture of the red light getting sucked into the Pokeball when he catches it. Just a minor thing, but it'd be nice if this was finally updated. Also, I just noticed today that the image used for his Mr. Mime isn't loading properly. Not sure if that's just because this page has just recently been updated to show the Journey's Pokemon now residing at Oak's lab, but I figured I'd just mention it right here.



Gives 'em the slip..
Hydro Steam and Psyblade are incorrectly labelled as Normal-type, and Hydro Steam is also incorrectly labelled as Physical.
‘Bout to say, that would have been a major fumble for GF. Glad somebody else caught this.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
On the page for The Teal Mask DLC, Chingling’s section just has a # where it’s number should be, a blank space with a square outline where it’s sprite should be and completely blank everywhere else.



It’s Elbaf season!
On the page for The Teal Mask DLC, Chingling’s section just has a # where it’s number should be, a blank space with a square outline where it’s sprite should be and completely blank everywhere else.

It could also be Shiftry if you’re going by Pokédex number. Milotic comes after Feebas and Yanmega comes after Chingling according to the National Pokédex.
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The Pokemon of the Week section says that Greninja was the second Unrivaled raid, but it was the third Cinderace was the second.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
The main site has the wrong days listed for the Palafin Serial Code for the European International Championship as it says that it would be this weekend meaning April 7 to the 9th instead of the 14th to the 16th. The correct date is listed above the mistake in the section mentioning the pop up Pokémon Centers at the event.

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
The news section of the main page for today says that the Palafin serial code given out today ends on April 7 which is extremely off since it is the 14th.