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Mistakes on Serebii.net V2


Staff member


New Member
Error: Obtaining method for Growlithe, Umbreon, Corsola, Porygon2, Froslass, Goomy, Litten, Inteleon, and Pawmo in Café ReMix says transfer from Café Mix, but that is incorrect;
Growlithe was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in November of 2023.
Umbreon was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in February of 2023.
Corsola was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in August of 2023.
Porygon2 was first made available in ReMix through delivery in June of 2023.
Froslass was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in December of 2022.
Goomy was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in March of 2023.
Litten was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in December of 2023.
Inteleon was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in June of 2023.
Pawmo was first made available in ReMix as a monthly goals premium exclusive in September of 2023.

Meowscarada's obtain method is correct except for capitalization; it says OCtober instead of October.



Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
The page for new Evolution methods for SV is missing Applin to Dipplin completely and should be added as the Syrupy Apple is a new item for this Gen. Also Hisuian Qwilfish and Overqwil are labeled as Dipplin and Hydrapple.



New Member
Apologies if already reported but

Under Ho-oh - specific location, it's reported that the location can be found on South Province Area Five. However the actual location is South Province Area Four.

A lot of moves listed seems to be incorrect as well. Latias and moltres seems to have a completely different move set.
Last edited:


New Member
Error: Add a "Global: October 20th - 22nd 2023" in the "Blissey Spotlight" section of the Tera Raid Events List (2nd link is for reference).
Link 1: Link 2: https://serebii.net/scarletviolet/teraraidbattles/event-blisseyspotlight.shtml

This one only when you have more time:
Error: Experience Growth - All Medium Slow Pokemon - in Gen 9 the max. amount is 1,059,860 Points (apparently, this was until Gen 6 - then Gen 7-8 have 1,059,862 - and for Gen 9 they seemingly changed it back - weird. I only noticed this because of my Lv. 100 Mighty Mark Thyplosion).
Link: https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-sv/typhlosion/

I also noticed that you corrected the tera raid numbering in the meantime (1st link).
Keep up the good work :) Serebii is and will continue to be my number one source for the Mainline Pokemon Games!

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
On the Scarlet and Violet legendary page, you have Zapdos' move set wrong. Zapdos has the move set of Thunder / Detect / Magnetic Flux / Zap cannon.

Error: Information shows Zapdos having Roost in it's move set when encountered. Zapdos does not have Roost and instead has the move Detect
Link: https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/snacksworthlegendary.shtml


Celebi Clone

In the Ruby/Sapphire section, if you got to the Hoenn Pokedex page it will list the Pokemon available int he game. However if you click on the Pokemon, it will link the their Gen 6 Pokedex entries rather than their Gen 3 ones, which is a bit confusing.

On Magnemite's Gen2 Pokedex entry, it says it has 5% chance of holding a Metal Coat in the wild. On other sites it indicates the chance is 2%. Admittedly not sure which is correct but on the off-chance the 5% is wrong...


New Member
On the trainer customisation page of scarlet and violet, the Rotom Phone cases for Fezandipiti and Munkidori are reversed by the looks of it.


Beginning Trainer
Error: On the page for Cerulean Cave (Gen 1), on the 1F under the Super Rod section it lists Krabby when this should be Kingler
Link: https://www.serebii.net/pokearth/kanto/1st/ceruleancave.shtml

Error: Cerulean Cave not listed under Kingler's possible locations for Gen 1
Link (1): Link (2):
Kingler is definitely available there, have tested this on an original Red cartridge I've had since 1999 and fishing for hours never brought up a Krabby.


Silence is Purple
On the Project Voltage songs announcement, you put the wrong producer for the song, Psychic Psychic, it should by Nayutalien.