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Mistakes on Serebii.net V2


Salingerian Phony
I noticed there was no mention of Regulation H beginning in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on September 1st, even though Regulations A through G all had announcements here.
Errors: Meowth, Persian, Wooper and Quagsire are listed as unavailable in Emerald when there is an ingame trade for meowth and wooper is in safari zone. Mareep, Pineco, Teddiursa, Aipom, Smeargle, Stantler, Houndour and Shuckle are missing from FRLG unobtainables when they were only available through the unused Altering Cave event and Morrison has two Gligar listed in this episode when one is supposed to be a Girafarig

Links: https://www.serebii.net/emerald/missing.shtml (Emerald)
https://www.serebii.net/fireredleafgreen/unobtainable.shtml (FRLG)
https://www.serebii.net/anime/epiguide/houen/405.shtml (The Morrison error)
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Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness

Lord Fighting

Bank Ball Collector
Unless I'm missing something you can't find dusk stones in the grand underground. (BDSP) The underground page has no listing of it being available but on the item page for dusk stone you say it can be found in the underground so.


site of lies

The abilities of their pokemon are labeled as "Items"