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Misty and May's new clothes

uber gon

Accept Change
If either of these characters make a cameo, what clothes would you like them to have?


Brain Damage
I would choose the "Generic Formerly Main Heroines with Generic Clothes" outfit, yeah.

Emerald clothes for May and BF clothes for Misty.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Blah, nothing for Misty. Why? Because she is no longer the 'Previous Heroine' and thus should make no more appearances EVER.

But, May defiantely should be in her Emerald outfit.

uber gon

Accept Change
Blah, nothing for Misty. Why? Because she is no longer the 'Previous Heroine' and thus should make no more appearances EVER.

But, May defiantely should be in her Emerald outfit.

Well, Misty is sure to have a cameo sometime. Maybe something edgy.

Meh, Emerald clothes for May works.


Angels Amoonguss
May Emerald clothes.


The Grand Draconian
Swimwear..... admit it... everyone wants that!! (lol joking!!!)


May: In a formal, Saori-ish outfit to show that she is a professional coordinator and make Dawn feel low... then May can cheer her up!
Misty: Something blue... Maybe a water themed version of the gsc female oufit or better yet... a female Ash costume just so she can annoy him....


I would choose the "Generic Formerly Main Heroines with Generic Clothes" outfit, yeah.

Emerald clothes for May and BF clothes for Misty.

Samething with me. I liked Misty's BF clothes. And May's clothes are cool in Emerald and I really can't picture her in anything else.

uber gon

Accept Change
Does Misty's current clothes remind anyone of he FRLG self?


Back here. >.<
the Emerald clothes of May and the clothes that Misty wear in the opening of the chronicles..


Well-Known Member
Kasumi should wear her Lovecus-Hosou-special clothes which were her best clothes EVER. or she could have a hairstyle like in GSC..that would rock...

as for Haruka...something emerald-like, but not a 100% copy of it would be interesting.
Misty's Chronicles clothes (the luvdisc epi) is great! As for May, it's a no brainer, we haven't seen her in Emerald clothes yet so....let May wear her Emerald clothes!


Red: True Master
the Emerald clothes of May and the clothes that Misty wear in the opening of the chronicles..

You just took the words right out of my mouth.


Emperor Coordinator
Its obvious. Misty can keep her battle frontier clothes. Since May kept her Ruby/Sapphire outfit throughout both Hoenn and BF, she should go with her Emerald outfit.


Yeah, ok!
Even Gary got new clothes.

Its funny, Tracey is the only character wearing the same exact clothes after 10 seasons. He's still wearing that plain green shirt and shorts.

uber gon

Accept Change
Even Gary got new clothes.

Its funny, Tracey is the only character wearing the same exact clothes after 10 seasons. He's still wearing that plain green shirt and shorts.

He may get new clothes soon.

Maybe Misty gets a copy of Ash's old hat, she did want one.

Meh, if the clothes are neat looking, then I'm good.
Other than Misty and May who would most likely get new clothes (which May should have her Emerald apparel)...what about Max?

uber gon

Accept Change
May should be in her Emerald outfit and Misty in either her Luvdisc Hoso clothes or a new outfit.

Max... huh. XD Maybe just make his glasses more realistic and give him a differnet colored shirt or something like that.

He'll most likely be stuck in the gym.