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~Misty Club~

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Well-Known Member
The new Misty Fan Club ^________^

Peach & Water Spirit

The Co Owner:

Okay, since our old club is banned, I start this club again. I hope all members will post again.

If you want to ask something, you have made banner for the club or anything else, please PM to me or Water Spirit ^________^

1. Obviously all the forum and club rules apply so please read those.

2. You can talk about shippings involving Misty but please don't say you hate certain ones and don't talk about them too much because all the members might not like the same ships.

3. Only mention other characters if what you're saying also has to do with Misty.

4. You can join just by posting and I'll add you in the member list.

5. Have fun ^_____________^

Banners (13):

Water Spirit
Water Spirit (2)
Carina (2)
Carina (3)
Star Arion
Star Arion (2)
Misty-Fan-Forever (2)
Misty-Fan-Forever (3)
mistygurl (2)
Satoshi's Lover

Members (328 now):

1. Peach
2. Water Spirit
3. Bulba the Great!
4. eveelution
5. GOD.
6. Indigo
7. katty
8. Kioko-san
9. kitty
10. Link
11. MistyMix89
12. PichuHaru
13. Pikawolf
14. WaterTrainer243
15. Bayleef
16. xsweet_peax
17. Tattsu Dreamer
18. Kyorgefan
19. gladdecease
20. Animefanatic73
21. Rajrebyc
22. Misty Lover17
23. GardevoirMaster
24. Blazing Charmander
25. WaterMaster#1
26. Kasumi Christie
27. MayDrewfan
28. Dark_Jirachi
29. Starmie
30. Lightning
31. Kyoto-chan
32. Heracross
33. titenio1991
34. Angel Umbreon
35. Shiny May
36. mistyflower
37. lilMayfan
38. Nova Flareth
39. The Ho-oh Queen
40. MistyLurver
41. Satoshi
42. AAMLfan
43. silver Groudon
44. Pantalaimonne
45. Pokemaster009
46. CharmedFaith
47. Pokegreat1020
48. ~*sona*~
49. L100Meganium
50. Keira
51. smilestar
52. Duel Master J
53. x_Eevee_x
54. MooshyKris
55. sly_74
56. WaterKrystal
57. mistydreams4ever
58. RekKuzA
59. AshAndMisty
61. Professor_Ivy
62. MetalGardevoir
63. Loves.Mz.Misty
64. Mew38
65. Miltank_Girl
66. Lana Ishtar
67. Cerulean Girl
68. wish
69. rikapal03
70. water_girl
71. miss hotstuff
72. Sapphire_Swampert
73. Seara*LaSirene
74. Angelz1
75. Geodude
76. the snagger
77. chipsyketchum
78. Kas85
79. Arc_Angel
80. topgun
81. hikari
82. the way of regsteelik
83. Legendary Shobu X
84. Foxy J
85. Soul Jumpluff
86. Mr.DrSunnysock
87. MagmaCharizard
88. MidnightWolf
89. teamrocketgirl7
90. Minnia
91. Liz
92. Flannery
93. Emerald Eevee
94. ulrich
95. Cherry
96. Dragon King
97. Yellow
98. Nessie
99. Aurora Wish
100. Kitty980
101. Mew123
102. Faerie
103. Chibi
104. Stacee
105. travischu
106. Terminus
107. Saki
108. nursemisty
109. Kanto Trio
110. Chelc
111. UmbreonMaster
112. Aelita-Molly
113. +*Annah*+
114. Reptilia
115. Lil Flareon
116. Ash_and_Misty8745
117. Crystal Suicune
118. Waterflower
119. NekoAmi
120. TrainerRicardo
121. Bluecorgi23
122. misty.
123. misty_aquamaster
124. kasulove
125. Cristal
126. Water Adept
127. Misty's Kyogre
128. vulpix
129. *Kiku*
130. Rinrei
131. Klaus
132. Kyle Katarn
133. Hikashi
134. Prof. Destructo
135. Mist
136. lil skitty
137. Kasumi
138. Misty-chan
139. oldychamp
140. Shining Lugia
141. Hypershell
142. Laurasatokasu
143. dieddead46
144. Cyndaquil
145. Coral_Eye
146. Jo-Jo
147. chavalum
148. Raichel
149. Cowgirl
150. Absolkitty
151. StarmieGem
152. Nicely
153. Growlithemarilldude
154. PokeProphet
155. Mysteria Pearl
156. unownmew
157. KasuMi ^_^
158. mistygurl
159. PixieDust
160. charlot.sweetie
161. Togemon
162. Rodrigo
163. advanceshipping4ever
164. Politoed
165. RedHall
166. SempaiMiles
167. lucijones
168. medea10
169. may'slove
170. Misty_Ketchum
171. stargazer
172. CrystalUmbreon
173. Axelay
174. Rheine
175. SugarFairy
177. Coral
178. Star Arion
179. Misty-Fan-Forever
180. Carbuncle
181. johnnyd2
182. Iskierka
183. MistyManiac
184. Sapphire Milotic
185. Kojho
186. pokefanwantstobattle42
187. deoxysmaster8000
188. SnoringFrog
189. Mikespike
190. Mudkip Master
191. Daigo
192. BuddyMarina
193. Maya Miyazono
194. Yukari
195. FallingFlygon
196. AniFan84
196. happywave
197. Kanji
198. HypnosProjectHQ
199. ::Satoshi&KasumiForever::
200. Flygon Prince
201. Sweet_May
202. Mai
203. Dark_Angel_Wings
204. Mistynia
205. Evil Kirlia
206. hyliansage
207. Coordinater Aria
208. Leader Marty
209. The Mixed Breed
210. mizu_gal
211. Kairyu
212. Sneasel_Ace
213. lavabyle
214. Shynki
215. pokemonhotspot999
216. WaterLover315
217. Mudkip girl
218. Sage Ryock
219. Fire_Fan
220. toxicshadows
221. squirtleking
222. Carina
223. Jessa
224. pokéfan176
225. Misty fan
226. Conan-the-3rd
227. Booncy
228. Misty4ever
239. Tifa
230. absol_16
231. shaq-attack
232. Vivi
233. Kaiviti
234. mailman_tongue32
235. the only one
236. Yoshida Amane
237. wewillrockyou
238. SlimShady
239. Trainer Sapphire
240. Beefy
241. Pitchi
242. Cherry Espeon
243. Billy
244. Joseph_mew
245. - Kasumi -
246. Lord_sNap
247. Glacia
248. The_Dark_Angel_87
249. xXWaterxFlowerXx
250. martianlightsaber
251. John Ray
252. Kei
253. CeruleanWaterflower
254. Hyuuga Neji
255. Fatee
256. kizara
257. John Ray
258. Bobby Emerald
259. Serebiicrazed
260. Celebi93
261. Crystal Clair
262. Nielkis
263. crazymonkyfoul321
264. lightspeed
265. Bangers 'n' Mash
266. Fez the Mysfit Elf
267. Dark Pheonix
268. Ash_Pikachu
269. ~Kitty~
270. Foxyvulpixie
271. XxM!styxX
272. adrenaline
273. Pochaki
274. Kasumi-san
275. Redeevee
276. Munchlax2.0
278. Chaos Emperor
279. Squirtle85
280. Rhiene
281. DarkLucairo
282. theanimequeen
283. Misty Lover
284. omnimon206
285. Trainer Mehmet
286. David Beckham
287. Kawaii*ninja
288. Chimungus
289. Slayer
290. Saiyajin-Neko
291. Tocharian
292. Dragon Champion
293. SphealMan
294. poke boy sarab
295. shoujoai-fangirl
296. lala2007la
297. superjenjen
298. kuro mizu
299. branden
300. mandikitty
301. Missingnoguy55
302. ¤§¦ KaSuMi ¦§¤
303. Weedle_Mchairybug
304. pika_angel
305. pokemonadventures_red
306. Misteara
307. mistyJynx
308. DaMike52
309. CuteDrew667
310. Draconic
311. Washu
312. Mistygemmy
313. Allytoon
314. nickthew033
315. Haruki
316. Cenzo
317. Barabás
318. Hell_fire
319. misty'scorsola
320. pojo
321. the fist pokeshipping fan
322. Misty Lover
323. P-ship_fan4lyf
324. squirtle #7
325. Skull13
327. Oak93
328. Mima
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Well-Known Member
Welcome back GOD. :D



any, pictures of misty in her new clothes, she looks much better in them


Well-Known Member
Blazing Charmander said:
I'll join, Peach. Misty is my favourite female character. I promise not to break the rules and i'll always keep on topic.

Welcome to the club :)



Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
I'm happy this is opened again! I'll rejoin! I have a question too- In the Hoso episodes does Misty have her AG clothes or the first season clothes?
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Misty Lover17

Water Trainer
Peach said:

Misty:With a keen eye for details..........
Daisy:One truth preveils!

Of course, I'm rejoining! Misty kicks butt!


Well-Known Member
GardevoirMaster said:
I'm happy this is opened again! I have a question- In the Hoso episodes does Misty have her AG clothes or the first season clothes?

In the three first Hoso Specials she has her old clothes.
In the when she comes back (for 2 episodes) she has new clothes
And in the 4th Hoso Special, I think she has new clothes again.



Aww, that pic's so cute, Peach!^^

The old club was banned?x_x Oh well. At least the club started up again.


Well-Known Member
Kioko-san said:
Aww, that pic's so cute, Peach!^^

The old club was banned?x_x Oh well. At least the club started up again.

Yep, old club is closed, and this is 3rd Misty Club.

GOD. said:
^^^ thats from the same site right?

It is, Teppo Pepper is one of my favorite sites :)



im back and yay the club is back also!!! whoohoo and there is 24 members! n.n
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