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Misty or May or Hikari

May or Misty or Hikari

  • May

    Votes: 253 32.4%
  • Misty

    Votes: 292 37.4%
  • Hikari

    Votes: 236 30.2%

  • Total voters
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Swampert Master
May > all

Teh hot.


misty so much better
hikari = hpeless
may= not that bad i suppose

pokeboy sarab

misty of course!!
may is kind of stupid and i hate it whaen she goes of to her reporter mood and hikari we don't know enough of


Sabrina's apprentice
May was too much like Ash for me. Even used two of the same Pokemon he had as his original team. Also wherever May was, Max was too, and he annoyed the hell out of me.

Hikari, I can't judge til I start seeing her, but by the sound of it, she's pretty much May(minus Max)

Misty was the original girl, was the first to get her bike trashed by Ash, and just seemed to work better with Ash and Brock IMO than May did. Psyduck was more entertaining than any of May's Pokemon too. Gonna have to go with Misty. Although Jessie's still the number one female role in my eyes.


No hero. Never was.
I felt my Brain snap a bit when I saw the topic.

The storm is coming. The storm of HikariVSMayVSMisty topics is coming.

Anyway, May gets my vote. I like her better than Misty (although this is not to say I hate Misty. She's a good character too), and I don't know too much about Hikari other than she and her rival make a good couple.


Well-Known Member
No..I voted for May accidentally. I though it was Misty on the top, its usually her there you know.

Well, I guess May isn't that bad but she's nothing compared to the Tomboy. As for Hikari, why did the writers even have to introduce a new girl?
Misty. She was funny, inteligent, original, a good trainer, she was just the overall best character the show's ever seen!

May, I would comment on, but it would be considered flaming. :/

Hikari, I don't have a clue about. I've never seen an episode with her.

In the end, Misty will always win!


Yeah, ok!
Misty = great for Kanto/Orange, she was boring as hell during Johto.
May = Great original character with one of the best story arcs the show ever had
Hikari = Same goal as May, has the rehash effect, but could still show potential depending on what happens in the future


Move Puppet inc.
Misty Rockz yer socks! after all she's a Gym leader :p


Rock/Thunder Trainer
Misty, cuz the other two are/sound bratty. =P Misty just seems more grown-up to me, and I see enough brats in my own home. =P Oh well, I don't hate any of them.


Kasu-chan. Yesh, it's obvious who is my favoirte out of the three. =3

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
None of them. I have a decision, but I'm not going to choose. There's really no point in these threads unless we have one big thread like this (or none at all, which is what I'm leaning at). That is why I'm not telling my answer anymore.

They all have great things about them and flaws. None of them are perfect. Of course, none of them are downright horrible (though I do have a major problem with one of them...)
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