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Misty's Togekiss

Will Misty make a return to show off Togekiss?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 60 52.6%

  • Total voters


The Grand Draconian
First of all dont start to flame me on how Misty's never coming back, forget it etc..
All I'm saying is that we all know Togetic has been given an evolution called Togekiss. Now, if my memmory serves me right, the only time Togepi and Togetic were showcased in the show were the ones which Misty had. Togepi being caught early on before Jhoto and evolving into Togetic and leaving in the Mirage Kingdom episodes. Remeber, this was the only time when we saw Togepi(s) and that one Togetic. So no GAMEFREAK brings us an evo of Togetic, Togekiss. Is it possible that Misty will again make a return with May (to make the May fans happy) for another set of episodes in which Misty's Togetic evolves into Togekiss like before or will they have another way of showcasing it.

I think yes because if it was done once it will be done again as the writers have a habit of repeating things (bike gag anyone?)
No. She left Togetic to look after the Mirage Togepi.


Well-Known Member
uhh they havent shown Porygon2 yet have they. They could just give it to some random filler character


The Grand Draconian
No. She left Togetic to look after the Mirage Togepi.
True. Then again what if it returns to her but that is just wishful thinking

uhh they havent shown Porygon2 yet have they. They could just give it to some random filler character

Porygon 2 was never shown because of Porygon's criminal history lolz!
But seriously, that seizure incident forever put the ban mark on Porygon and its evo's from ever being shown in the anime.


Well-Known Member
I know that i'm just saying that they dont have to show every new pokemon. PorygonZ wont be shown either unless Porygon/2 gets some redemption


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Togetic is in another freaking DIMENSION. Even when you consider how unlikely it is for Pidgeot to return, Togetic's chances are infinitely lower.


Jedi Council Member
Yep, but perhaps another trainer will have a Togekiss.

And about the Porygon2 and PorygonZ thing, they could also just try something like the Mirage System in the Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon special, that it can create Porygon, Porygon2, and PorygonZ.

Jay star

Coordinator Lover
I pray the ywill because it is the only way that makes sense, and what could happen is that the mirage kingdom gets attacked by a returned general handson and misty gets called to come help, and misty goes there and meets ash and stuff cos they get asked to come aswell maybe and then to defend fro ma new shinou pokemon of handsons togetic evolves into togekiss cos togekiss has great attack and special attack.

I know a flaw in this is the mirage kingdom place is in hoen and misty is in kanto and ash is in shinou
but maybe they might do a special or something like start up cronicles again and have may visit misty and have misty get her invitation to go to the mirage kingdom and they go together and theres a big battle of the shedinja 2 ninjask and a new bug pokemon or something from shinou and mays blaziken takes care of shedinja and stuff with mays togetic that evolves to togekiss.

Just my hope and want and need ^^

And for the comment above about leafia and glacia i think that one of them will also be used by may her eevee could become a glacia (i assume ice type evo) and leafia (assume grass type i havent look at pics of all the new pokemon yet) and that the other one might but wont lol get caught by hikari but i know it wont but maybe a beautiful girl with a leafia might happen.


charizard trainer
about the porygon2 and porigonZ it might be in one episode when a scientist(trainer evolves(upgrades) it s porygon form 2 to Z
I think that Misty will return for an episode about Togekiss, but it will be an episode in a new series of Hoso's, not the actual show.

If anything, the Hoso would probably focuss on Misty returning to the Mirage Kingdom to visit Togetic, and the the villian dude returns, Misty and Togetic have to save the kingdom again, and the episode ends with another teary farewell, and Togetic evolving. (Except the episode will most likely involve another character, such as Tracey, or Max and May.)


Feraligatr Master
Another Thread about this?!
Togetic is in another dimension..you realize that there are other togepis in the pokemon world right


Yeah, ok!
I could have seen it happening if Misty didn't release Togetic, but now...nah.

Misty has pretty much faded into obscurity since late Hoenn/Battle Fronter, and the D/P saga makes her look even more forgotten about.

If the writers didn't even put Misty in the last AG episode, she isn't going to show up for a random filler in Shinou.


Well-Known Member
uh just to remind you she has a togetic

EDIT: Plain trainer


The bike gag has been repeated, true, and Misty has made random appearances, one to evolve Togepi and the other for...really no reason.
Taking that into account, she could come back in the main series. A housou is more likely, however.
It's possible...that's all I got to say. I'm not saying there should be, I'm not saying there is not going to be any, I'm just saying it's possible because the writers could do what ever they want with the show. So if they had Misty come back and Togetic back for another Misty cameo filler...so be it. But imo, athough it's possible for that to happen, it's not that likely so I'm not going to expect much.


Team Rocket's rockin
Kinda weird how Togepi was so rare that we didn't see any others beside's Misty's until the episodes with Mirage Kingdom, which included that alternate dimension, which is where they come from, right? And then we finally see the super-rare Togetic, which stays to protect the other ones. So adding yet another evolution to the mix makes me wonder how the heck it'll ever come to light in the anime.

Anyway, I think the writers will probably forget about Misty's Togetic and have someone else that's special in some way use Togekiss. Maybe it'll be in a movie, too. Who knows at this point?


Yeah, ok!
Togekiss will debut in the normal anime, every Pokemon is featured in a regular episode aside from legendaries and the Porygon line.