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Mix.Shadow.some fakemon and etc Request Shop

Moonlight Umbreon

Well-Known Member
can u do me a shadow pokemon please
with septile

thanx in adv ;)


I'm a Guy FYI
are u talking about magnamite or magnaton


I ain't witty, so no
could I have a mix?


This should be cool.....


hey, how you doing?

Can i have a maganium with shiny tropius colours and wings? If you can =)

thnx in advance!

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Can I have 3 fakemon please?
-Umbras (Types: Dark and Flying):
Description: A demon-like Pokémon with big horns and wings, completely black with red eyes and with a long tail.
-Dradow (Types: Dark and Dragon)
Description: A big black dragon with red lines across its body and two great devilish horns (but a four legged dragon not a two legged or a serpent one) Like this one but pokémonized and with the things I've wrote.
Ninshade (Types: Dark and Fighting):
Description: A ninja-like Pokémon, completely black and with long and strong legs. Has shurikens (those star like weapons that ninja use) instead of hands.

Clyde the master

Aloha, Lungfish!
Thanks for Dolphisk,but just call me Clyde, ok? It's very irritating. And now I will ruin you're life... because I would like what very well may be the hardest mix ever, delibird and hitmontop! fr/lg/r/s hitmon and deli. Thanks. (it's near impossible. don't be suprised if you fail me.)