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Mix shop

How good am I as a Spriter?

  • Bad-word of advice, quit while you're ahead

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .


What about me? I can't see the page with my sprite request.
would you please show me it on another hoster so I can see it?


Is Actually a Piplup

I was playing sapphire version, and it sed this one was beauty so.... here...


ShiningMagma said:

I was playing sapphire version, and it sed this one was beauty so.... here...
Sapphire? thats the FR/LG beauty, but no matter, thank for your effort.

Now, may I request an edit of the R/S/E Lass to be in a bikini/two peice swim suit please?


Is Actually a Piplup
Is this OK?


Slightly sloppy, but very good never-the-less
thanks alot.

Now, may I request a R/S/E Beauty in a bikini please?
(the other one, not the one you did first)


Can I have a Team Aqua Card?
Name: Zealot
Sprite: male Magma Admin. Can you change the color from red to blue and put the Aqua symbol on it?
Pokemon: Mightyena, Crobat, Sharpedo, Lanturn, Whishcash, Relicanth.

Can you use the same host you used for unownmew?
Thanks in advance!