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Mixed-Type Attacks

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I know that there has been a thread about this type of subject earlier, but what if Pokemon attacks had two elemental traits. Has anyone thought that Muddywater, Blaze Kick, and Leaf Blade should have two elemental traits?

Muddywater = Water/Ground
Blaze Kick = Fire/Fighting
Leaf Blade = Grass/Steel

And yes, if the way these attacks that are combined in two elemental traits, they have to follow the strength and weakness chart.

Well, what about new attacks that can be mixed? I made up one called Razor-Burn. It's a mix of Steel and Fire. The foe is struck with metal that is swift and causes a fiery strike.

Think of the possibilities of attacks that can be be elementally combined.


Good Night!
Me too. It's more releastic that way.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Gameplay ideas lolz.

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