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Mod Abuse!

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Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
soft drink
n. In both senses also called soda pop; also called regionally cold drink, drink; Also called pop, soda; Also called soda water, tonic.
A nonalcoholic, flavored, carbonated beverage, usually commercially prepared and sold in bottles or cans.


Unless you're talking about soda water or some sort of flavored water, it's not. There also wasn't a need to make a thread about this, dingus. You could have easily PM'ed someone.

Edit: Damn you, WG, and your odd timing ways. ;_;

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Dat Banned Guy said:
That site is lying.

Why would it lie? It's an online dictionary. No reason for it to.

Dat Banned Guy

And besides even if Water wasn't a soft drink, whats the point in deleting a post with a mistake, its not spam, it would be a mistake.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Dat Banned Guy said:
And besides even if Water wasn't a soft drink, whats the point in deleting a post with a mistake, its not spam, it would be a mistake.

It'd be the same as deleting a "I like popcorn" post in the thread. Isn't a soft drink.

Dat Banned Guy

That's irrelivant. Someone who said they liked popcorn would obviously be spamming.

Ok, hypothetically speaking, let's say water isn't a soft drink. So, thinking it is, I post that it's my favorite. I don't see why that would constitute deletion, rather an explanation would be more efficient. Just deleting the post doesn't make the problem go away.


mia san mia
Water is a Soft Drink, regardless. It's placed in Soda Machines with all the other Sodas I'm sure you drink. It's classified with them. End of story (I think). No point to this really.

Jynxo said:
Unless you're talking about soda water or some sort of flavored water, it's not.

Isn't Flavored Water classified with Juices? As for the other forms of Water, are they also classified as Soft Drinks? All I know about this matter is that basic Water is a Soft Drink.

Dat Banned Guy said:
The point is my post was deleted by a mod who obviously let personal feelings of discontent or possibly hatred of me get in the way of professionalism (sp?), thus the mod abuse complaint.

Oh, okay.

Bandana Guy Dale said:
Water is a SOFT drink because it is not HARD. Hard means alcoholic, so water is a soft drink.

All drinks with Alcohol in them are classified under Liquor. Whether it's Wine or Beer.

clammyshazam! said:
DBG should be banned and this thread should be closed! End of story!

Why should Dat Banned Guy be Banned? Water is a Soft Drink for one thing. This Thread has been answered if I'm correct, but that's not reason to get heated for no apparent reason
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Dat Banned Guy

Exactly, water is a soft drink.

The point is my post was deleted by a mod who obviously let personal feelings of discontent or possibly hatred of me get in the way of professionalism (sp?), thus the mod abuse complaint.
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Well-Known Member
Water is a SOFT drink because it is not HARD. Hard means alcoholic, so water is a soft drink.

Dat Banned Guy

Yes I've made that clear already, but these mods seem to think they're auto-correct and can't see past that.


Bandana Guy Dale said:
Water is a SOFT drink because it is not HARD. Hard means alcoholic, so water is a soft drink.

No, Dale! Don't agree with him! DBG is crazy! Water is not a soft drink, a soft drink is a soda. Water is not a hard drink, but it is NOT a soft drink either, it's just... water!

DBG should be banned and this thread should be closed! End of story!


Old Coot
This is your second warning, dumbass. Spam again and you're gone.

And when did this become the Debate Section?
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