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Mod Face-Off

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There's a member faceoff so why not have a mod one too? ^_^

There's 52 so for the first round the they'll be 16 groups. Twelve of them will have three and four of them will have four. Then there'll be 16 left and it'll be two in each group for the remaining rounds.

First group:


My vote, is for Dragonfree as he/she is a good fic writer and a good spriter too.


Well-Known Member
How weird, I was gonna make a face-off like this too :p

I vote Dogasu.
Hmm... I don't really know much of 3/4 mods there. And one of them I don't really like all that much. It's a nice idea for a face off I must say. Hmm... I think my vote will go for... Cayenne. While I dislike her (Don't ask why, I have reasons), she's the only one on the list whom I actually know. Then again, shes the only one on the list I actually know doesn't really do anything. ¬¬ Bah. Lesser of two evils I suppose.


Dogasu...I just have so much respect for him...
-Absol- said:
How weird, I was gonna make a face-off like this too.
I was thinking of making it when IMS made the member one but I was being lazy and didn't make it until today. :p

-Dragon Master Mog- said:
It's a nice idea for a face off I must say.
It's great cause sucking up won't affect votes as much cause it's all mods. XD

-Dragon Master Mog- said:
Sthe only one on the list I actually know doesn't really do anything.
On the forum? She does stuff. She just mods without posting much.

Cayenne - 1/8
Dogasu - 4/8
Dragonfree - 1/8
Murgatroyd - 0/8

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I'll vote for Dragonfree, who's a really good writer ^_^
Are mods allowed to vote in here? o_O

If yeah, then I vote for Cay ^__^

She does do a lot on the forums Josh ;X She just doesnt post.


Well-Known Member
Cay pwnz all. ;/ yeah and erm what Jess said basically >> << including the question lol.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
I vote dragonfree, she makes really good sprites.
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