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MOD (help)

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**Legendary Maven**
ok most of u newbies may be wondering why your threads are closing or why u are getting sort off bossed around ...they are closing by special people called MODS or MODERATORS......these peoplel can close ur threads if they are in wrong place or for bad things etc.....and believe me u do not want to make enmies with them or cuss them out .......unless u want a REFERALL or KICKED OUT.....(i bet if mods are reading this they must be getting all proud...lol..)any way now you know......and how do you know if ita a mod U CAN LOOK AT THERE LITTLE BANNER.....for example i have a Cascade Badge or Misty banner they will have ......a Banner that says SPP STAFF......have fun...and i hope mods are not to mean here...


Well-Known Member
just .. um .. lol.

we all know what moderators are, and what they do, so no worries on having to tell us. :\

"all those newbies out there" .. just .. yah, lol.


Yeah, about that...
Shouldn't they just read the faq thread? I mean, it answers every question yet people just seem to think they don't need it. :/


Real-life Gothorita
I feel this thread was a good call. Reading all the rules and faq threads would take a while, this thread doesn't. ...and it took me ages to figure out that some people are mods!
Another thing worth mentioning is that they're only ever mean to you when you break rules, otherwise you won't have a problem.


true love
While I do not have the power to close this thread, it was absolutely unnecessary to respond to Navneet's post regardless if it was completely spam and his/her own personal rant. Responding to spam is only contributing to more spam, and that's the least thing we want. Also, we are not proud of you, Navneet; rather, we are displeased that you'd make a thread just to .. preach unnecessarily.

So, I advise that any further posting to this thread is UNNECESSARY and will be treated as spam. Just warning you guys informally and that action will be taken asap by an appropriate moderator about this troublesome member, so PLEASE refrain from posting after my post or suffer the consequences.


Old Coot
I have power to close this thread, and I shall.

Also remember that we are not bad people. ;\ So there's no need to "fear" us or anything.

Also, referals are not bad. The number is based on how many people joined because you refered them here.
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