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Moltres... Am I just REALLY unlucky?

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Ready for a vacation
It's been more than 2 hours, and over 100 Ultra balls have been thrown, and I STILL can't even come close to catching Moltres. >_<;;

Mind you, his HP is always immediately reduced to 1 (thanks to Scyther's False Swipe) before I start trying to catch him. He stays like that until all his attacks run out of PP and he struggles himself to death, then I restart and try again, only to have him struggle himself to death once more. Is there some sort of trick to catching this one? I had no problems at all catching Articuno and Zapdos... Infact, Zapdos seemed very eager to be caught. It only took 1 Ultra ball to get him.

I'm almost tempted to just start a new game on Sapphire, then trade the Master Ball over. e_e;;

Somehow I think even Mewtwo would be easier to catch.
First, if you've beaten the Elite Four, and given the Ruby and Sapphire plates to Celio, the Master Ball plan will work. I'm always cautious about how low my wild opponent's health is. I give him a tiny package of health left, maybe paralyze him while I'm at it. I'm suprised your Scyther managed to pull of the 1 HP. Ultra Balls don't always have to be used to catch Pokemon. I stock up on different varieties of Pokeballs to catch major Pokemon. A good example would be my Articuno in an ordinary Pokeball.

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
i had this problem , it could be the fact it's speed increases with agility cos i would stay in until the last second when i first battled it but as it used agility it wouldn't stay in for more than one wiggle

;362; ICG


Ready for a vacation
Dark Knight Jorro said:
First, if you've beaten the Elite Four, and given the Ruby and Sapphire plates to Celio, the Master Ball plan will work. I'm always cautious about how low my wild opponent's health is. I give him a tiny package of health left, maybe paralyze him while I'm at it. I'm suprised your Scyther managed to pull of the 1 HP. Ultra Balls don't always have to be used to catch Pokemon. I stock up on different varieties of Pokeballs to catch major Pokemon. A good example would be my Articuno in an ordinary Pokeball.
Yea, I know. : )
I've already beaten the Elite 4. My Scyther has an above-average attack strength, so he's really good at bringing Pokemon I want to catch down to 1 HP on the first strike.

Are there balls like Timer or Net, etc. in FR/LG? I've gone through pretty much the whole game and haven't seen anything other than the usual Poke-Great-Ultra balls. Of course the Master ball too, but there's only one, so I'm not really counting that. XD


Ice Cold Glalie said:
i had this problem , it could be the fact it's speed increases with agility cos i would stay in until the last second when i first battled it but as it used agility it wouldn't stay in for more than one wiggle

;362; ICG
It is just well... luck. Nothing you can do. It is LUCK. Just keep trying. You will get it eventually. Like Regice is the hardest I found, It took me 5 attempts since he kept resisting my ultra/timer balls till he had to struggle =(
Nothing the pokemon does will make it harder to catch in any way; like even if the metapod hardens till the sixth time, it will still be easy to catch.


Ready for a vacation
Finnmonster said:
You can buy those in Two Island.
That's good to know. I guess I never checked the shops on the Islands. XD;;


moltres-->after throwing like 100 ultraballs,i was thru my supplies and i throwed my last ball(pokeball)wiggle,wiggle,wiggle..moltres was caught..

I was like--what gives?

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Try sending it to sleep with yawn or paralysing it with thundershock. Then maybe it will work.


true love
Moltres... that evil firey bird.. But yeah, like everyone else mentioned earlier, it takes mostly luck to catch the Legendary Birds.. and perhaps Timer Balls might help.

My first record on FR caught Moltres or Zapdos pretty easy, but then the second record/current one had a hard time with Zapdos.. with Moltres the hardest. I sort of gave up by .. *cough* using a Master Ball from another game. I think Articuno was the easiest for me since the restart..

Titusz said:
moltres-->after throwing like 100 ultraballs,i was thru my supplies and i throwed my last ball(pokeball)wiggle,wiggle,wiggle..moltres was caught..

I was like--what gives?

Lol, that happened before.. though I don't think I used 100 Ultra Balls. I just restarted many times because they kept killing themselves.. Blehh. Or killing my best Pokémon against them..

But always with Legendaries that I don't use Master Ball, I worry a lot about their health.. whether it's too much or too little that they could kill themselves, or if I could kill them by mistake.
Gosh, MOltres was easy for me to capture. Anyway, i put him to sleep when his health was halfway, and accidently used a dive ball to catch him o0


Titusz said:
moltres-->after throwing like 100 ultraballs,i was thru my supplies and i throwed my last ball(pokeball)wiggle,wiggle,wiggle..moltres was caught..

I was like--what gives?
The more pokeballs you throw, the better your chances are of capturing. Take the example as I was trying to catch a stupid claydol in sky pillar. I chucked ultra balls at it in full health and it burst on the first shake. Then I got fed up and I just threw a pokeball and it shook thrice and nearly caught it. I finally snagged it in a pokeball.

To put it simply:
If you start throwing pokeballs the moment you see moltres, you may or may not have a better chance then you try to weaken it, but you use lesser pokeballs. It all, sadly, rounds down to luck.


Ready for a vacation
Thanks for the tips, everyone. : ) I finally got my Lapras to paralyse it by using Body Slam over and over again, then about 20 Ultra Balls later, I caught it.

Now I see I was wrong... Mewtwo ISN'T easier to catch. XD;;

I guess I'll stock up on Timer Balls, and if that doesn't work I'll just attatch a Master Ball to some Pokemon in Sapphire and trade that over. This thread can be locked now.


The hoopy frood
Before it's locked, I'll just let you know I just caught Mewtwo today. Timer Balls work best. Ultra balls next. It's necessary, I think, to give it a status effect (mine was using thunderpunch and paralyzing it) in between safeguards. Try and have either a (pure) ghost type, a dark type or a psychic type, as its psychic can take out pokémon 2 or 3 levels higher than it in about 3 turns. Never let it get too far into the yellow or into the red, because, as you pointed out, it'll struggle, and you're pretty much doomed if it only has 1hp and runs out of moves. If you see your pokéballs having an increasing effect on it (eg. first time 1 wobble, 2nd time 2 wobbles) just keep chucking the balls at it. This doesn't always work, but it worked on my regirock yesterday and worked on mewtwo today, so I believe it. I brought about 40 timer balls and I went down to about 17 before it actually stayed in the second time. So stock up.

And that's really all the advice I have, just wanted to pass it on while it's still fresh in my memory!


true love
Trillian said:
Before it's locked, I'll just let you know I just caught Mewtwo today. Timer Balls work best. Ultra balls next. It's necessary, I think, to give it a status effect (mine was using thunderpunch and paralyzing it) in between safeguards. Try and have either a (pure) ghost type, a dark type or a psychic type, as its psychic can take out pokémon 2 or 3 levels higher than it in about 3 turns. Never let it get too far into the yellow or into the red, because, as you pointed out, it'll struggle, and you're pretty much doomed if it only has 1hp and runs out of moves. If you see your pokéballs having an increasing effect on it (eg. first time 1 wobble, 2nd time 2 wobbles) just keep chucking the balls at it. This doesn't always work, but it worked on my regirock yesterday and worked on mewtwo today, so I believe it. I brought about 40 timer balls and I went down to about 17 before it actually stayed in the second time. So stock up.

And that's really all the advice I have, just wanted to pass it on while it's still fresh in my memory!

Not necessarily.. because it'd be different for each person. I mean, I caught my Kyogre with some Great Balls, but I also had to restart twice whereas the last time I had Timer Balls but I never used them.. before he stayed in the Great Ball I threw randomly. o_O

I pften have this thing with finding/capturing Lengendaries by pure luck.. and leveling other Pokémon.


The hoopy frood
Kyukon said:
Not necessarily.. because it'd be different for each person. I mean, I caught my Kyogre with some Great Balls, but I also had to restart twice whereas the last time I had Timer Balls but I never used them.. before he stayed in the Great Ball I threw randomly. o_O

I pften have this thing with finding/capturing Lengendaries by pure luck.. and leveling other Pokémon.

True, I even caught my kyogre by sending it to sleep straight away and then catching it in a net ball when I said, 'what the heck, let's see what happens.' Straight off. But I've found the advice I've given above tends to be more...secure, maybe, you'd have a better chance of catching it if you brought a good number of timer balls and ultra balls, for example. I've caught rayquaza and deoxys in pokéballs for goodness sake, but I always carry about 40 of each ball and normally find I use more ultra balls and timer balls. I've also caught more legendaries in ultra balls and timer balls than I have in any other ball. Just saying I find these guidelines work more often in catching legendaries.

Pokémon Master.

I managed to catch Moltres pretty easy. Just cross your fingers when you chuck that pokéball, and hope for the best! But, you already caught him. Congrats.


moltres really gives me the bummer. i jus never seem to catch the correct nature i want. when i caught it. it had an atk iv of 0 and spatk iv of 4
i hate it.


Ready for a vacation
pyrofrost said:
moltres really gives me the bummer. i jus never seem to catch the correct nature i want. when i caught it. it had an atk iv of 0 and spatk iv of 4
i hate it.
Ahh. I feel bad for you. x_x;
Personally I don't care what nature Moltres is. I just want it for the Pokedex... but... wouldn't it having a high Special Attack be better for it than plain Attack?
: o Just thinking a low special wouldn't do very much good for Moltres's fire attacks.
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