It's been more than 2 hours, and over 100 Ultra balls have been thrown, and I STILL can't even come close to catching Moltres. >_<;;
Mind you, his HP is always immediately reduced to 1 (thanks to Scyther's False Swipe) before I start trying to catch him. He stays like that until all his attacks run out of PP and he struggles himself to death, then I restart and try again, only to have him struggle himself to death once more. Is there some sort of trick to catching this one? I had no problems at all catching Articuno and Zapdos... Infact, Zapdos seemed very eager to be caught. It only took 1 Ultra ball to get him.
I'm almost tempted to just start a new game on Sapphire, then trade the Master Ball over. e_e;;
Somehow I think even Mewtwo would be easier to catch.
Mind you, his HP is always immediately reduced to 1 (thanks to Scyther's False Swipe) before I start trying to catch him. He stays like that until all his attacks run out of PP and he struggles himself to death, then I restart and try again, only to have him struggle himself to death once more. Is there some sort of trick to catching this one? I had no problems at all catching Articuno and Zapdos... Infact, Zapdos seemed very eager to be caught. It only took 1 Ultra ball to get him.
I'm almost tempted to just start a new game on Sapphire, then trade the Master Ball over. e_e;;
Somehow I think even Mewtwo would be easier to catch.