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Moltres Help!


Team In Flames
My unused Moltres has 157HP so I would suspect a hostile one to have 157HP too.


I'm not sure about his HP but I usually throw allure seeds at him so he won't attack you(and for fun also :D). o_O


fredfredburger yes!
yay! you beat moltres!


The Southern Cross
One of the greatest advantages you have against any boss is that you, unlike the bosses, can heal. So, just pack a bunch of oran berries for future bosses, now that you've killed Moltres.


Congratulations! You beat the boss I hate the most!

Seriouslah, Moltres loved to murder me. But then again, it always joins my team in like, 3 battles. Gotta give it credit for that.


yay you beat him! yay lets spam -_-;

Okay. (Insert spam here)

Anyhoo, for future bosses, save at the midpoint, if you die, reset. Keep repeating so you have all your items so teh boss will be easier.