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Come at me bro.
any tips on helping me beat moltres?i'm a cyndaquil with a treecko partner


Shine Now!
lvl up to lvl 30+ and do the statragy that i did

First move diagonal left so you take the hits because if your partner dies you die and sicne you have a type resistance

And then use your strongest attacks or just make treecko use bullet seed to kill moltres


Come at me bro.
lvl up to lvl 30+ and do the statragy that i did

First move diagonal left so you take the hits because if your partner dies you die and sicne you have a type resistance

And then use your strongest attacks or just make treecko use bullet seed to kill moltres

my treecko doesnt know bullet seed and it can take me out in 1 wing attack


I wanted ketchup!!!
Be in the late 20s and you can do it easily if moltres doesnt go after treecko


Yeah just dont let him attack treecko. I was around lvl 23. Im a Typhlosian with Sceptile as a partner now.