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Mondo Club

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Mondo's the young Team Rocket from one of the CD Dramas than unfortunately never made it out of Japan. But he's still awesome and definitely deserves his own fanclub which Umb was cool enough to approve. So my fellow Mondo fans come join! ^_^

1. You don't have to ask to join, just join in the current topic.
2. Don't ask to be co-owner. I'll pick one later if I want.
3. Follow the main forum and club section rules.

Mondo (Owner)
♥~Mimori Kiryu~♥
Hanters servant
pkmn trainer conman
red cubone
Blazing Charizard
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Iblis Wings
I never heard of him but he looks cool as a Rocket agent. I'm in.


Iblis Wings
So what does he do? Cause I can see he owns a red jeep.


Iblis Wings
Oh but...used to? What happened?
Remember how towards the mid/end of Kanto Jessie, James, and Meowth were hungry and stuff all the time? A lot of people take that as proof that Mondo isn't helping them anymore.


Iblis Wings
Then...why doesn't he?

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I wanna join! I've always thought that Mondo was cute :p


I'll gladly join, Mondo's such a cutie. I wish he'd come back or atleast be acknowledged in the anime.


Make a Wish
Awww... Mondo's so cute. I'm in!

(One of my freinds randomly calls me "Mondo" even though I'm small for my age.)


Cool, I've always kinda thought that too. :D

I remember JJ&M having a jeep in 'The Kangaskan Kid' too, wonder if it was similar, it's been a long while since I've seen that ep. ^^;


Well-Known Member
Cool, though I dont watch the anime much, I'm quite familiar with the indigo league and Mondo sounds like a decent guy ^.^ Yeah, I'm in, I like kind people.

Who'd of thought it, from the looks of his pictures and Belldandy's description, you wouldn't think Mondo should be in Team Rocket =P Yeah, he deserves more appreciation. I might make a banner at some point if requested.
If you want to make a banner then go ahead. Anyone that wants to may do so.

Really, J&J? I hope I can see that ep again so I can see if it was his.

And I agree, Tale. Mondo does seem too kind for TR but then again J, J, and M seem that way sometimes too. He looks up to J, J, and M so maybe he joined so he could help them out. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Mondo said:
Mondo does seem too kind for TR but then again J, J, and M seem that way sometimes too. He looks up to J, J, and M so maybe he joined so he could help them out.

Yeah, good point. It would be so cool if Mondo joined the team, in my opinion. But then again, it would be even cooler if he actually appeared in an English episode =/

As for the topic, though the range is very wide, perhaps a modest UU Pokemon such as Linoone/Furret. They're normal type as well so that kind of lends itself to the theme of his current team.
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