I've seen alot of monotype team queries on the forums as of late and I feel that it is time to post a possibly helpful analysis I've written on monotype teams in the name of perhaps helping some people.
What I aim to do is this: Monotype team I intend to find Key moves and Key pokemon that can be used to build a Monotype team that will work battling by Netbattle, GSbots, Stadium, Battle Tower or Link Battle.
Thus far I have made two analysis which are in this post, more will be posted in future.
Type: Fire
Key Moves: Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake
Key Pokemon: Entei, Charizard, Houndoom
Move Reasons: Sunny Day is of high importance as it allows the use of Solar Beam and also mitigates the water weakness of a fire monotype, Solar Beam is much loved as it can not only put some pain on pesky water types but also KO rock+ground combo types that can really hurt a fire team. Earthquake is excellent as a cover for pure rock types and also for the electric types who's speed and status effects can hassle this team.
Pokemon Reasons: Entei is great for Sunnybeaming, as is Houndoom. Charizard provides much needed Earthquake Immunity as well as the ability to use powerful physical offense using Swords Dance or Belly Drum.
Type: Grass
Key Moves: Rain Dance, Ancient Power, Counter.
Key Pokemon: Victreebel, Exeggutor, Meganium, Venusaur.
Move Reasons: The key to a monotype battle is manipulating conditions to favour you as obviously you cannot switch your weaknesses and resistances to help you have to use other methods. In the grass mono fire is a huge weakness and MUST be nullified at times with a well placed rain dance, however in order to counter the ever-present threat of Ice Types this monotype team requires Ancient Power or HP Rock to be present to nullify dangerous but often flimsy Ice Type pokemon. Counter is there to prevent Flying or Bug type offense putting major holes in this team.
Pokemon Reasons: Victreebel provides something other grasses cannot - physical attacking prowess, with swords dance, good speed and a decent range of moves to choose from Victreebel is an ever present force in a Grass monotype team. Exeggutor exists primarily to offset the common weakness to psychic offense alot of grasses have due to being part-poison, and also as a user of Explosion AND Sleep Powder, both of which are ever dangerous. Meganium is a personal favourite counter-user and also able to regenerate using synthesis while carrying swords dance and HP Rock (unfortunately it cannot get ancient power and swords dance). Venusaur is the last listed pokemon and is often totally unrequired, however it is a rare pokemon able to use both Sleep Powder and Ancient Power which can often nullify fire or flying offense.
What I aim to do is this: Monotype team I intend to find Key moves and Key pokemon that can be used to build a Monotype team that will work battling by Netbattle, GSbots, Stadium, Battle Tower or Link Battle.
Thus far I have made two analysis which are in this post, more will be posted in future.
Type: Fire
Key Moves: Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake
Key Pokemon: Entei, Charizard, Houndoom
Move Reasons: Sunny Day is of high importance as it allows the use of Solar Beam and also mitigates the water weakness of a fire monotype, Solar Beam is much loved as it can not only put some pain on pesky water types but also KO rock+ground combo types that can really hurt a fire team. Earthquake is excellent as a cover for pure rock types and also for the electric types who's speed and status effects can hassle this team.
Pokemon Reasons: Entei is great for Sunnybeaming, as is Houndoom. Charizard provides much needed Earthquake Immunity as well as the ability to use powerful physical offense using Swords Dance or Belly Drum.
Type: Grass
Key Moves: Rain Dance, Ancient Power, Counter.
Key Pokemon: Victreebel, Exeggutor, Meganium, Venusaur.
Move Reasons: The key to a monotype battle is manipulating conditions to favour you as obviously you cannot switch your weaknesses and resistances to help you have to use other methods. In the grass mono fire is a huge weakness and MUST be nullified at times with a well placed rain dance, however in order to counter the ever-present threat of Ice Types this monotype team requires Ancient Power or HP Rock to be present to nullify dangerous but often flimsy Ice Type pokemon. Counter is there to prevent Flying or Bug type offense putting major holes in this team.
Pokemon Reasons: Victreebel provides something other grasses cannot - physical attacking prowess, with swords dance, good speed and a decent range of moves to choose from Victreebel is an ever present force in a Grass monotype team. Exeggutor exists primarily to offset the common weakness to psychic offense alot of grasses have due to being part-poison, and also as a user of Explosion AND Sleep Powder, both of which are ever dangerous. Meganium is a personal favourite counter-user and also able to regenerate using synthesis while carrying swords dance and HP Rock (unfortunately it cannot get ancient power and swords dance). Venusaur is the last listed pokemon and is often totally unrequired, however it is a rare pokemon able to use both Sleep Powder and Ancient Power which can often nullify fire or flying offense.